AMI 300
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Catalog excerpts

AMI 300 - 1

ALTAMIRA INSTRUMENTS The First Name in Custom Reactor Systems AMI 300 AMI-300 Catalyst Characterization Instrument Perform dynamic temperature-programmed catalyst characterization experiments unattended with the latest generation fully automated instrument from Altamira Instruments. Determine metals dispersion, relative activity, adsorption strength, in one third the time of traditional volumetric methods. Analyze the off gas with the standard TCD or integrate a mass spectrometer or other detector if you wish. Let us customize the instrument so you can, for example: (1) also use it as an atmospheric reactor, (2) carry out lengthy pre-treatments in a separate station (3) provide fast-switched feed compositions to mimic lean-rich burn scenarios; (4) provide SSITKA capability, and many more. The leader in automated TPD/TPR/O/TPRx, and pulse chemisorption instruments since 1985, Altamira Instruments is the catalyst researcher’s primary resource for automated catalyst test instruments and bench-scale reactor systems. 4620 Hurt Bridge Rd, Cumming, GA 30028 Email: Visit our Website:

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AMI 300 - 2

Dynamic Chemisorption and the AMI-300 The AMI-300 is the latest generation automated chemisorption analysis instrument offered by Altamira Instruments. Developed by and for catalyst researchers, it and its predecessors, the AMI-1, AMI-100, and the AMI-200, were first in the industry to offer a fully automated system capable of performing all the major dynamic techniques required for fully characterizing a catalyst. The AMI-300 utilizes our proven technology for performing the following dynamic procedures: • Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) • Catalyst treatment • Temperature...

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AMI 300 - 3

The most sophisticated data handling package in the industry is included which allows the user to display and integrate signal peaks, calculate chemisorptive parameters, peak fit, and overlay data. Choice of Detectors The AMI-300 comes standard with a highly linear TCD. In addition to the TCD, AMI instruments have been delivered with a wide range of auxiliary detection devices. Choices of auxiliary detectors have included: • • Mass Spectrometer • Flame Ionization Detector • GC with FID/TCD/FPD FTIR Any detector that provides an analog output or which can communicate through DDE, Serial...

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AMI 300 - 4

As you can see from the AMI FAMILY MAP, there are a number of variations of the AMI-300. If your laboratory’s needs fall more toward single workstation operations, the AMI-300 is the logical choice. However, if you require increased throughput with the same degree of automation as the AMI-300, there are two, three, five and eight workstation versions of the AMI-300 available. As noted above, additional workstations can be added to an AMI-300 in the future. If your needs fall more toward reaction experiments such as steam reforming, water-gas shift, auto thermal reforming, or preferential...

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