

Catalog excerpts

switchgear - 1


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switchgear - 2


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switchgear - 3

Due to ihe increasingly fa»t development and improvement of industrial technics,. It i» essentiaf that jwitchboards for energy generation and distribution ran Adequately central, supervise and protect trie system. Speedy progress in (he data processing field a long with changing industrial requirements has led to switchboard: manufacturing guarsd toward automation, job simplification unci standardization. Furthermore, switchboard manufacturing is not just limited to energy receiving or distribution systems, but it also involled in burkfing complete process control center systems;, Allit...

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switchgear - 4

IlIfiH VOLTAGE METAL- All is metal - enclosed or metal-claa switcfioear with ■/finical lift, horizontal drflw-aut circuit hrejkert provide HP- trellwd circuit control for medium voltAgn s^'ams Iffnm 3.1 rhrough 24KVI, A ugmijlijlc lirn of functional ^nit* is avallabte for control and protec- tion of motors., transformers, genera- tors, dlstribulion lines, rectifier^ M-G sci3r and simi ar paw&r equipment tach standartlBflEf-Hinieined unit utilizes basic world reliable ma/uifacture a>rn- ponen*fl, including vacuum rireuil breaker^ ir-agnatic bl*ji broker, (nHfU* nwnla, tnlftys,. rnnlHra,...

Open the catalog to page 4
switchgear - 5

INGE] VOLTAGE METAL- TVPE OF METAL - CLAD ITCHG EAn Ppnwry pnujlh , , JUtomttWslly Cnnrol citciiil , manually dis- • Pnmary ckcu'l . u jiunaiiuai y • Cor.lrai circuit. . . manually dis- Prifnitry circuit. balwaan primary circ.nr jind cnnlm! drcurj lc- provide DBdltfln wall stlvrtieri primary circuit md c«i:rof circuil primary ccun including bLi L^i a Tc p'ovlds Huloniallc slbutisr cov- ering Via stationary ive corrba^CB in ttig breaker oonipartmanl ~u provide parbtkin srall hrrwnfirt primary circuit and control circu" mid bulwaan nuijar pjirls pi Ihn primary tirciil including bhs bpn Tb...

Open the catalog to page 5
switchgear - 6


Open the catalog to page 6
switchgear - 7

ENCLOSED SWITCH GEAR GENERAL APPLICATION AJIIB standard Low vcdlag* P0*WJ enclosed sfwitchgaar la daslgnao for Uie cont'd arid uf Dlecikn of power -clrcuHstar runs, pumps or BOO wafts *-c especially adapted few power eeniecj. such as fur oenlral slalions auxiliary pewvr circuhs for lam, blowers, compressor*, pumps, Sgflling circuits In- dustrial plants porter and Ighllng networks, power lo*dars. lighting feeders power gervraticn and auxiliary power drives tor machiiw bods arid material-handling standardized mis, wired and reeled to mcel the specific requirement dc* >ny desired instaJlaban....

Open the catalog to page 7
switchgear - 8

VNTT TYPE SUBSTATION bull) wttft nigh tw^sion recurving equip- Inlnlh; enclCEsd iwllchbwrd; which IHITIE B load wnler arid 1= applicable In Wldety sepsratflrt dlslilbulinn sfBlomH and load trarinriions. 3. Loss voltage regulation i Flexible-ID land vahiatldn 5. Ring at lrce syslein adaptable Thi-a unit an economieai dlBlrltmlmn iiyalem ulUi simple end pleasant be widely applied to Industrial and building equlpmenl. DOUBLE EHDEP UN(T SUBSTATION

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switchgear - 9

UNIT TYPE SUBSTATION INDOOR TYPE OUTDOOR TYPE Compscl unll-iUDS(fltlon (pad-mounted Iranalormef ^ CUlllw Of compact lype unit substation ^)NFHL) NFB^I NFB^J NFB^l NFB

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switchgear - 10

HU.H VOLTAGE MOTOR STARTING PANEL & LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CENTER fMCCI Motor control center (indoor type) Motor central center {Outdoor typef

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switchgear - 11

CONTROL SWITCHBOARD Duplex benchboard Lnclowd iwitchLjQBrd Dual bench board Duplex switchboard Control benchboard

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switchgear - 12

GROUP STARTER PANEL 0) Group starter panel Z Main switch board Ca.j Grmip rarar pane I

Open the catalog to page 12
switchgear - 13

SOLID STATE POWER CONVERTING EQUIPMENTS DC Power Supply tor toIEHJUmmunic&tion InpMt; Sphas», 22DV ' 1DH,. 50- SDilHL Currant: 10A up 1o 10,000 A BmH nmicflll lyHMtl Cooling- fortunl cnn'mn Rldplt VoKlB*: l«f Ulim EDO rrtU p-p Efficiency: onr 90% typical »t futl lo*d. Silicon draapw type DC rKtifisr, Outpm Rating: Enntinunux ralipg up IQ 3DQA. EfllHEncy: flW 73% typJal £1 full InHd,

Open the catalog to page 13
switchgear - 14

SOIJ]> STATE POWBH CONVERTING EQUIPMENTS Rack installation Static type DC to DC Converter Outpul flatinn: ContinurjUi lalinj up to 1< w Cooling: Natural cooling Efficiency: ewer BOft typicd it lull kind, S5% ower 40V. Hattery charger lor marine use Marine type 24 Volts battery charging & discharging board Raima: Contlnuou* nting up to 120A Cooling: Natural cooling Ripplt iwise: Im ituan 32DBmC Effidnncy. over typical at full luad Thyristor control squipiYiants. DC TSyristor Leonard power supply for Input: 3 phase, 50 - SO i 3 Hi, AC Sown Cooling* Farad air or water cooling Application: Rf...

Open the catalog to page 14
switchgear - 15


Open the catalog to page 15
switchgear - 16

OKI)h;m\(i INFORMATION When placing ordeiv please supply the Fallowing inlormJUOn. 1. Single lint diagram of electrical systems. 2. Rated voltage, i^irrent and intern upling capacity ot 3. Type roted voltage, rated current and interrupting 4. Type ratings, and quantity of meters, relays and control devices required. S. I nduur or ou tdaOr appl icat ion. 6. Lead-In and load-out nrr.-inyemRni kauie or BUS duct I. B. Finish: Designate Allit standards colon if possible, {Allii standards- ^824 light-gray) 10, The requirements for physical arrangement or rHlatJonsriip to existing swttchgeat units...

Open the catalog to page 16

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Archived catalogs


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