1756 GuardLogix?
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1756 GuardLogix? - 1

1756 GuardLogix™ Integrated Safety Controller Automation users and manufacturers continue to look for flexible solutions that can help address global safety standards and regulations. These regulations, combined with competitive pressures to reduce costs and improve productivity, demand a better integration of standard and safety control. Now, with the Allen-Bradley® GuardLogix™, you get safety control, together with ControlLogix® standard and motion control for true integrated safety that offers SIL 3 control. Benefits RSLogix™ 5000 • Safety Task automatically created with tools that restrict user implementation to safety functions • Single controller view Standard Control Task(s) • Same functionality as ControlLogix Safety Control - Safety Task • Safety Specific Instructions • Security (Safety Task Signature, Locking) • Safety Task Addresses Safety I/O 30 TUV-certified Safety instructions • Reduce memory usage • Improve logic creation • Make troubleshooting and maintenance easy Leverages standard ControlLogix hardware • Racks, power supplies, communications Integrated Safety GuardLogix isn’t just a safety controller, it’s a standard ControlLogix processor plus safety features that ensure SIL 3 safety control. With its two-processor architecture (1oo2), the GuardLogix system consists of a safety primary and a safety partner processor. A benefit of this type of system is that it’s still a single project; the safety partner is a part of the system, is automatically configured, with no setup, configuration or download to the safety partner required. With GuardLogix, you can reap the advantages of using RSLogix 5000, the standard development environment for all Allen-Bradley Logix controllers. The flexible tag-based system makes it very easy to coordinate between safe and standard logic and to display diagnostics about the safety system. Plus, RSLogix 5000 manages safety, so you don’t have to manually manage the separation of standard and safety memory, or worry about partitioning logic to isolate safety, it’s all done for you by RSLogix 5000.

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1756 GuardLogix? - 2

All trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective companies. During development, safety and standard have the same rules: multiple programmers, online editing, and forcing are all allowed. Once the project is tested and ready for final validation, you set the Safety Task to a SIL3 integrity level, which is then enforced by the GuardLogix controller. When Safety memory is locked and protected, the safety logic can't be modified and all safety functions operate with SIL 3 integrity. On the standard side of the GuardLogix controller, all functions operate like a regular...

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