A1442 Low Voltage Full Bridge Brushless DC Motor Driver with Hall Commutation and Soft-Switching, and Reverse Battery, Short Circuit, and Thermal Shutdown Protection
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A1442 Low Voltage Full Bridge Brushless DC Motor Driver with Hall Commutation and Soft-Switching, and Reverse Battery, Short Circuit, and Thermal Shutdown Protection - 1

VDD Reverse Battery Output Full Bridge Q1Q3Q2Q4 SLEEP Power and SleepMode Control Active BrakingControl Drive LogicandSoft StartControl GND VOUT1 Stall Detection 0.1 F VOUT2 AmHallElementp M Thermal ShutdownProtection >

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A1442 Low Voltage Full Bridge Brushless DC Motor Driver with Hall Commutation and Soft-Switching, and Reverse Battery, Short Circuit, and Thermal Shutdown Protection - 3

CharacteristicSymbolTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Units Supply Voltage > 1 V > DD Operating, T > J < T > J (max); C > BYP = 0.1 F2.04.2VSupply Current I > T > A = 25ְC֖10 ATotal Output On Resistance V > DD = 2 V, I > OUT = 70 mA, T > A = 25CЖ3.9V > 2,3 R > DS(on) DD = 3 V, I > OUT = 70 mA, T > A = 25ְC2.6֖V > DD = 4 V, I > OUT = 70 mA, T > A = 25CЖ2.2Reverse Battery CurrentI > RDD V > RDD = ֖4.2 V֖10mASleep Input Threshold V > INHI 0.7֗V > DD VV > INLO ֖0.2֗V > DD VSleep Input CurrentI > IN V > IN = 3.0 V1.05 AReverse Sleep CurrentI > RIN V > RIN = ֖4.2 V֖10mARestart Delay > 4 t > RS...

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A1442 Low Voltage Full Bridge Brushless DC Motor Driver with Hall Commutation and Soft-Switching, and Reverse Battery, Short Circuit, and Thermal Shutdown Protection - 4

Antistall Algorithm If a stall condition occurs, the device will execute an antistall algorithm. > Device Start-up The start-up behavior of the device output is determined by the applied magnetic field, as specified in the Operating Characteristics table. Sleep Mode The S ϯL ϯE ϯE ϯP pin accepts an external signal that enables sleep mode. In sleep mode, the current consumption is reduced to an extremely low level, conserving battery power in portable electronics. Soft Switching The A1442 device includes a soft-switch-ing algorithm that controls the output switching slew rate for both output...

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A1442 Low Voltage Full Bridge Brushless DC Motor Driver with Hall Commutation and Soft-Switching, and Reverse Battery, Short Circuit, and Thermal Shutdown Protection - 5

Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.115 Northeast CutoffWorcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A.1.508.853.5000; www.allegromicro.com >

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A1442 Low Voltage Full Bridge Brushless DC Motor Driver with Hall Commutation and Soft-Switching, and Reverse Battery, Short Circuit, and Thermal Shutdown Protection - 6

The device must be operated below the maximum junction tem-perature of the device, T > J (max). Under certain combinations of peak conditions, reliable operation may require derating supplied power or improving the heat dissipation properties of the appli- cation. This section presents a procedure for correlating factors affecting operating T P > D = V > IN I > IN , (1) T = P > D ח R > JA , and (2) T > J = T > A + T (3)For a load of 30 , given common conditions such as: T > J . (Thermal data is also available on the Allegro MicroSystems Web site.) The package thermal resistance, R > A =...

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A1442 Low Voltage Full Bridge Brushless DC Motor Driver with Hall Commutation and Soft-Switching, and Reverse Battery, Short Circuit, and Thermal Shutdown Protection - 8

P 1 P TT P D 2 1 E 1 F W W C B آǒ > D Unreel Direction آǒ > A 1 K Embossed tape and reelՕ 3000 pieces per 7 in. reel 40 min. trailer pockets Օ 40 min. leader pockets Terminals inwardՕ Pin 1 on leading device edge, sprocket hole sideCarrier TapeReel Label Round Sprocket HolesCover Tape Dimensions in mm, may vary with supplier > Leader pockets are the first off the reel when the tape is unreeled for dispensing devices. Trailer pockets are the last pockets off the reel when unreeled for dispensing devices. Pin #1 Reference EIA 481Reference EIA 481 Carrier TapeCover TapeW: 8.00E > : 1.50P > :...

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