Catalog excerpts
CENTRALISED VACUUM CLEANING SYSTEM FOR INDIVIDUL HOUSING OR APARTMENT BUILDINGS General commente S©lection criteria The design of the installation A
Open the catalog to page 1General commente mrcoDucnoN_ A centralise! vacuum cleaning system is a pice of luxury equip-ment that should remain in service as long as the building. The design of the installation is thus to be treated wtth the gr騩tes t respect. The user s appr⭩ciation of an ALDES vacuum cleaning system is as much about the results achteved by the ensemble as it 1s about the individual quality of each of the components. FTELD OF APPLICATION_ fhe ALDES vacuum cleaning system is designed for use in both tiew and renovated buildings. Individual housing Օparlment Buildings PRINCIPE Suction sockets,...
Open the catalog to page 2DFSCRII'IIO.N ALDES* range of centralised vacuum cleaning Systems te broken down into 4 modds : COMPACT. FAMILY, BOOSTY. DOUBLE, Whatever the model, the central unit constats of the following lments : X Power supply block : contains the Central Unit management system. Also used to provide a bnk between the central control unit and the duct network. 2> Dust tank : contains the filter bag. This tank can be removed, enabling the user to transport the bag, within the tank, to the dustbin. It is topped wilh a cover, which itself is fitted with a sliding bag-attachment ■J- Filler bag ;...
Open the catalog to page 3General comments Hygine and silence cylinder vacuum dischaiges up to 100% of mlcrodust and mites back Into the room being cleaned. With an 耀LDES centrallsed System, dust Is removed via the ducts. The central unit is located well away from the llvlng areas, In a utlltty room, in order to llmlt noise pollution and lets one vacuum without disturbing others. The filtration bag fitted to the central unit tank, with its 301 capacity, clears the air of its dust and mites, which also has the added advantage of protecting the motor and guaranteeing pure air is discharged. With the ALDES bag, the...
Open the catalog to page 4Thus, this value must be as large as possible irrespective of any extrme values published for etther static pressure or air flow. Note: Equipment with a high static pressure but a low air flow rate wtll tend to stick the nozzle to the surface being cleaned. Curtalns and mats are partlcularly sensltlve to this annoying phenomenoru especially when uslng a thln nozzle. * Devices with high air flow values but a low static pressure generaUy have problems in pulling the dust ail the way through the System as far as the rꕩservoir. CENTRAL UNIT AIR CURVES a m 100 m m M Air flow (mZfh) M...
Open the catalog to page 5Slection criteria CTTN Test rsulte The trials were based around four test s驩ries: MOVEWHV RESKnNό How easy is it to move the brush around, notably on carpets and long-pile rugs. The idal situation is to have a brush with high suction but which does not stick to the surface being cleaned. 4th position RhMmU OF DIS! rOM HTERSIKIS 2nd position RftlO鯏U. OF DUSI FtOM IVRD rlOQKING M * 10 M * IlH *M '■rdposition G
Open the catalog to page 6RLWJtilLOrDIS! IKOM CARPLTOG 2nd position * no 3RUSHES RRBOBRUSH fhis accessory increases the efficiency of the vacuum cleaner It is much more efficient on rugs, less so on carpets. Thanks to its air flow driven brush roller, It Is excellent at removlng animal hairs and threads from carpets and rugs. fhe motor options proposed are capable of drtving the turbo-brush without electrical connections. Typeofhose Martel Position rpni ',. gain in comparison with'Xlmm 0 032 normal In the air 5100 On the floor 4580 boosty h the air 6 350 On the lloor 5800 034 normal h the air 5460 7.1 On the floor...
Open the catalog to page 7Slection criteria ■ NUMBER OF VftCUUM INLEIS_ The location and number of vacuuming sockets must allow the user to access ail areas of the dwelling, taking into account both the buil-dings configuration and furnishings (stairs, alcves, ceiling, fumiture, etc.) The number of sockets is defined by the length d the flexible hose - 7.50m. Exp鴩rience has shown that rcspecling a minimum ratio of sockets to surface area 1s indispensable for the correct use of the system, We would advfee you to fit at least: ■ NETWORK CHARACreMSlKS_ The duct network has Utile influence on the suction, pressure...
Open the catalog to page 8The design of the installation ITiis involves choosing Ihe location for the central unit, where lo (il the suclion sockets and the installation of the ducbng network in order to leave the installation as discrte as possible- CHOOSING THE LOCATION OF THE CENTRAL UNIT The central unit should prelerably be fitted in the basement, the garage, a cel- larB a cupboard or any other utility room in which ifs prsence will be discr詨te MIN 30 CM yet accessible. This room must be dry and sufflclently ventllated to ensure tha the motors remain cooL Avoid exterior installations (under lean-to's, sheds,...
Open the catalog to page 9The design of the installation ■ CHOOSE THE LQGfflOM OFTHE NETWORK_ When the locations of the central unit and sockets have been decided upon, the whole System must be interconnected usir PVC tubing. In order to do this, one should always atlempt to: - minimise the lengths of the PVC tubing - limil the number of bend* and connections - reduce the number and lenglhs of vertical piping ALDES proposes 2 types of PVC network -The 51mm 0 network (T Sries), wlth ghie, accepted by the CSTB for insertion in slabs. - the 44mm 0 network (W S穩ries), no glue required, suitable for rnovation worL Taking...
Open the catalog to page 10■ A FE\V PRINCIPLES TO BE FOLLOWED_ Al) the components in an ALDES' centralise! vacuum cleaning syslem hve been designed to aid the flow of dust and limit the risk of the network becoming blocked up. To guarantee lociy-termuse of the System, the route and assembly of the network mus! follow a few rules: - Use large radius curves (no tight 901 bends). - Install aeraulic junctions in the direction of theairflow (avoid T junctions when oblique junctions can be used). ■ HOW TO CONNECT THE CENTRAL UNIT EXHAliST_ The flltration System used in ALDES' Systems (material fllter bag) does away with...
Open the catalog to page 11CENTRALISED VACUUM CLEANING SYSTEM FOR 1NDMDUAL HOUSING OR APARTMENT BUILDINGS PRINCIPLE A Central Unit, located in a garage or cellar... is linked to suction sockets by a network of PVC tubes. A single, lightweight flexible tube fs transformed into a vacuum cleaner by plugging it into a socket ADVANTAGES Hygiըne Silence Օ Easeof usetPower 20,boulevard JoliolCurk-696*1 VtNKliaCcdcK-FRANCE-Tel. *33< 78 77 15 IS-Fax.3347&77 AIDES rserves the rutit to rn&ke modtflcaitora as a resuft of constant rvision m actordance wrth our contmuous research and...
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