Axial extract fan XD - XS - XI


Catalog excerpts

Axial extract fan XD - XS - XI - 1

Noticede Montag ExtracteursXD-XS-XI gb| Assembly Instructions Axial extract fan XD - XS - XI <D O C en LL ^1 Montageanleitung Axial ventilatoren XD - XS - XI U 0) c CL o> o c en LL jl Istruzioni di montaggio Aspirator assiali XD - XS - XI j Manual del operador Extractores helicoidales XD - XS - XI (D

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Axial extract fan XD - XS - XI - 2

t INSTALLATION XD - XS ^ Installation XD - XS 1°! Installation XD - XS » Il Installazione XD - XS m Instalacin XD - XS x1 2 1' o 0 -" J 06mm 5n OR L2^ O TIMER HUMIDITY Opening = 40 s - 20min timer + 3^ /%Hr 40% 20min /rimer 3min 3min 000 XS A (with shutter) XD XS XS L N T -[ 02 y-

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Axial extract fan XD - XS - XI - 3

STANDARD TIMER L L ■ N ■ T ■ -t-L s-N N HUMIDITY 100 % Automatic % Hr == START % Hr == Timer x min => STOP HUMIDITY with switch (avec interrupteur) ■ % Hr or switch on = START % Hr or switch off = Timer x min = STOP T N -L . N L T ■ N ■ L ■ L1 <8> 49 C0 J_L ■F ti Maxi 2 m -( 03 y-

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Axial extract fan XD - XS - XI - 4

INSTALLATION XI Installation XI tϧ Installation XI T 11 Installazione XI BInstalacin XI 1 ) -4 2 6mrn 01""-*-1,5 mm2 5 J 2 L <8> 1 N Maxi 2 m -( 04 )-

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Axial extract fan XD - XS - XI - 6

INSTALLATION XD - XS - XI m Installation XDXSXI El Installation XDXSXI OInstallazione XI) - XS - XI B Instalacin XDXS-XI Prvoir une grille d'amen䩩e d'air (sur l'extrieur) ou de transit (depuis une pice voisine) 騠 l'oppos de l'extracteur. En dlOO : section de 100 cmz ou dtalonnage de la porte de 1cm. 3An air inlet grille is required (on an outside wall) or on interconnecting grille (from an adjoining room) opposite Ihe fan. Tne inlet must have either a: 100mm diameter, 100cm2 cross section or a door clearance km Gegen驹ber dem Abzugsgert ist ein Zulultgitter (autder AuSenwand) oder ein...

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Axial extract fan XD - XS - XI - 8

DCLARATION Ɍ DE CONFORMIT (.ɌCLMMOFCOMOMΏ Type de matϩriel Type of product EXTRACTEURS XD. XS. XI AXIAL EXTRACT FAN XD. XS. XI est dvelopp, con驧u et fabriqu conformment aux Directives et Normes cit驩es ci-aprs d虩veloppe, dsign驩e and manufactured in accordance utli the following Directives and Standards Directive CEM/EMC 89/336/CEE EN 55014-1 EN 55104-2 Directive Basse Tension / LVD 73/23/CEE EN 60335 EN 60335-2-80 Le dossier technique tant disponible. The technicat file being avaihble. La notice d'instruction pr響cise en particulier les rgles d'installation et d'utilisation du matriel. The...

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