Catalog excerpts
PorfOCt for y ou. Afcfs cGrrtraisGd vacujm cloar^g, a modem, rapkj and efficient appNance, tor indoor air hygi≨ne and quality. Perfect for your home. Attos cortrafeod vactwn cloanrg, a long-lasting appliance to show your property at Its bost Technology that adapts. Fer art) ronovated rtomos, Afctes centrahsed vacuun cteanhg uses the latest technologies dev^lcped Cy the speciaist In *xfcxx a*' quality. VACUUM PERFECTION.
Open the catalog to page 3TECHNOLOGY FOR VOU W i roloss control: The c©ntral unit Is turned on and off using trie latest AJdes Wireless technology. Connect tho hoso lo the wall inlet. shahs the hose and vacuum. Connect. shake. vacuum.^ Aestheticaily dosignod inlets: Thowal vaojum inlets, d̀fc©to-ped with the geatesl names in oicctricaJ aw*r xxs, aro attractive, modern and pracOcal. Perfoctty Integrated Into your Interiordecoratton, theyflnalry can De used at a comtonabie standing hoight Sturdiness: A new centra) unit madeot po-lypropyleneor sturdiness In line with the vacuumlng power it delivers. Motorisation using...
Open the catalog to page 4Bag: Place) In the tank of the central vacuum unit, ft is made of polyester, trapping 99.9% of thedust With a capaerty of 30 litres, it can be used for 6 months vM-thout changing, depending on the conditions of use. Powon Wrth mot or power of 1400 to 28O0 W depending on the model. the range indudes the most powerful vacuum clea- ners on the market For you, th魠s pcwormeans ef - flclency and speed. Having big bags means clogging b avokJed, so tho suctton power stays constant. Userinterface: The central vacuum unrts are equipped with a fillfng Indica-tor and maintenance indica-tor LED, lo...
Open the catalog to page 5O.OLEANER C.BOOSTER C. Cleaner C. Booster ■ Constant powor Wlretess control On the handle. » 2 In 1 ergonomie nantie. * Seff* Diagnostic Installation. * Constant powar * Wreless control on tne handle * 2 In 1 ergonomie tandte. * Boost Mode, * Car accossorios. *Low nolao lovoL Type? of ctivclhng Օ For both now and renovated home»; ail <xjr central un ris aro adaptd for houeee up to 300 m* Motorisation Power 1400 W 1400 wmEco mode, 2600 W In Booster mode. ff닮ctoncy M jx AJrflow Max Vacuum Pressure 425 W nomn 26 m 425 W or 2x42SW210mVhor2x210mVh 9BkPa NoHu lovel 66 dM 61 dbA Dimensions LxHxW...
Open the catalog to page 6C.POWER LXjsI pan: «Jtspensable fer the kllchen or the bathroom, the dust pan ftts perfectly in the burtdlng. With a simple gestire you open n ana wrth a sv^ep every-thing has been suckod up. "Ttoinett͙ brush: An Aides exclusive, the Twfnett tnjsh vacuums and cleans at the same time thanks to a damp floor wipe in the m٨ddf ot the brush, A signtficant o savrq C.Power S╴tt-diagnostic Installation. ■ Constant power Wretws contre on trie handle. ■ 2 m T ergonomie tandis Օ Power control in the handie ond on tho central irtt. Car aocossorles, Օ Low noise loveL ^flatte, from 1400Wto 2800 W From...
Open the catalog to page 7All Aldes catalogs and technical brochures
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General catalogue Aldes
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Archived catalogs
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Axpir range
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Air inlets
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Air Diffusion Compulsor
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