Catalog excerpts
Air Diffusion Compulsor lition n* Air diffusion and conrfort Srnall grilles Indoor grilles Csiling diffusers Slot diffusers Swirl diffusers Spcial diffusers Extern al I ouvres
Open the catalog to page 1Subsidiaries Europe ALDES EURO REGISTER S. P. A. Via Gran Bretagna, 35 411CO MODENA Tel: +39 059 315 707 Fax: +39 059 313374 CLIMOVENT ITALIAS.R.L C. SO h eu stria 7 14010DUSINOS. MICHELE (AT) Tel: +39 01 41 93C9 69 Fax: +39 01 41 9304 70 Luxembourg Please contact cur Fnench agency: Aides Nancy 55, impasse Henri Becquerel Zone hdustridle - 54710 Ludres, France Tel: +33 (0)333 25 79 79 Fax: +33 (0)333 25 73 31 Netfierlands Aides Netherlands Veem 3 69C9 DZ BABBERCH Tel: +31 (0)316 24 32 22 Fax: +31 (0)316 24 32 23 spam ALDER VENTCONTROL Poh'gono Industrial Pracb Overa C/ Puerto Pajares, 29...
Open the catalog to page 5Innovating, the mission of a leader, Improving the quaityofthe airwebreathe inside buildings to improveour quality of life is not only a dream, it is a/so a marvellous company project, which ail Aides employes have been adhering to s/nce 1925. And if Aides is today leader in its sectorof activity, the orientation taken bythe Group has always used thesame guideline: innovation! Fromsingle-turiy and muK-birily Houangte Corrmercial Prerrises, Aides has devdcped 5 business ad vif es: 突 VenfMcn Tempթrai on* Centdised Vacuum Qeaning Օ hVACcanpcnent: Smckeodrx'iai alr&people, Uie commit me nt...
Open the catalog to page 6Aide' SLbsIdarlee Aides wtthout borders. Air has no border. The needto breatheair of high qualrty is universal. That of enengy performance in buildings is just as important too. Thus, the Aides Group, via the interme-diary of a vast sales network, ex ports its know-how to more than 100 courrtries in Europe, Africa, the Middle Fzast, Asia and America. In total, thereareover one t housand staff who part ici pate i n t he Aides success s tory throughout the world. 1 A few prestigious rf驩rences. Al ce: is hvdved h mm large scale ridects aromcl vre wtnd.WecaJd quateirrreraE rtfa-ences such as...
Open the catalog to page 7Aides From thediagnosis of the project to maintenanceof the installation, A/des, inadditionto rts training programmes, proposes services to accompany those who Intervene in therspecffic mission andat each stage in order to encourage thesmooth runnngofthe Systems. Forindoorairquality, comfort and safety ofthe occupants, therearc4 familles of services available: DIAGNOSJS DESIGNPRODUCTION MAINTENANCE VlaaagrQrmnt ctovioaj Diagnostics akJ. tn bot h new constf uct on and rnovt on. Alctes p bces its know-how at y ou rdcpccaJ in ttrrrc of aeraulss to he⮮p you analyse) your buildings and advtse...
Open the catalog to page 8lection Guide for air diffusion products aldes-intemationa
Open the catalog to page 10Air diffusion and comfort Components of comfort -p 10 Characteristic sizes - p 13 Slection of diffusers - p 17 aides I Catalogue Air Diffusion n°2 air&people
Open the catalog to page 11Components of comfort 1 AIR DIFFUSION AND COMFORT Dedgring an ar diffusion systern fret makhg fherighl slection in order fo guarantee comfort. Comforl dpends on firee m ci n comporte nie : ■ The fiemnd cornponent, 驕 The aeraule cornponent, The acousfc cornponent. THE THERMAL ANDAERAULIC 00MPONENTS Ihese frst two represent fie area covered by fie N F EN BO 7730 standard, whichspedfes : Օ roorn lernpeialres, according 1o fie activity and dadding, discomfort caused by drafts, Օ the feelhg of warrn or cold wdls, Iderance of vertical tempթrature gradenls. Knowledge of fie activity and claddng...
Open the catalog to page 12Components of comfort 1 TH E A00 USTC 00 MPON ENT The ASHRAE recornmendations in lemis ol acousfc pressure (sensation perceived by Ihe occupant) accordng t> Ihe use of Ihe promises, provides ovetall comforl. "Ihe levd of acousfc pressure in an area dpends on fie power levels (noise enitted by sound sources) : ■ frorn tie diffuser (s), equpraenloperathg ahead of ilAhem (arconditoner, air processing unil, etc..), ■ and sound sources in tie p*emises. Nex1 tie att镩nuation in tiepremisesisinfegrated into tie caculatbn, 1o provide an overdi acousfc pressure levd. Comment : when tiere are several...
Open the catalog to page 13Components of comfort 1 RAPID DETERMINATION OF THE ACOUSTIC ADDITION OF TWO DIFFEI CRfTERIA As an hitid approxrnation, fie following lods can be used t> sdect tie lerminds. h tie ALDES documentation, Ihe acoustic performance of tie dffusionlemiinalsis expressed in pcwer levds Lw (NR). 1CIH I A/ UNDLEVELS Exarnde L1 -60dBetL2-65dB Therefore L1 + L2 - L2 + 1 2 L1 + L2 - 66.2 dB 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Diffrence ofthe sound leveb b add (dB) ADDITION OF IDENTCAL SOUND LEVELS Number of sources 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 hcrease of ndse levd 3 5 6 7 9 9 10 ATTENUATION OFTHE PREMISES Constantotthe promises...
Open the catalog to page 14Characteristic sizes V___ THEAREAOFOCCUPATDN The is Ihe Viser' zone fer the prernises, stiated Xrn Irom fie walls and belween 1.8 1o 2 mtres Hgh. The labis of fie characteristic sizes of fie dffusers qualit詩s ail of Ihe air diffusion and prernises feat ed. Syrnbob Dfinitions Characteristic area of fhe lermhd, dtermin驩e! by fhe ratio of Ihe ar low Qy (caEbraled and known) to Ihe speed of passage (m/s), nneasured in accordance wif h fie standard ISO EN 12239 Vk(rn/s) Spsed rneasured by passage of ar al fie levd of fhe ind urif Li(m) Throwor axbl distance bet/veen fie diffuser and fhe envdope...
Open the catalog to page 15Characteristic sizes ThECOAN^A rrrrCTT Wso calbd the ceilhg or wall eftoct. il tardtes fie tend en cy of fie ar current to fdlow the Ihe ol a a^tace when il i s in contait with it. The Coancb eftoct occurs staring al spoede W «r than 2rr\K M ecuivdent size and fbw-rate, the Coanda effect hcreases fie range b/acprodmatdy 30 Jt.TNsrnore ilycovers fie surface to te treated. The Coanda effactis optinxjm brad cl an ce 0 lecs than30 cm THETHFOW The ranges are often ervcn ter one or two termina) speeds (br example 025 m/s and 05 m/s). The ranges for other terrnnd speecb are obtaned usrig...
Open the catalog to page 16Characteristic sizes AN ISOTHERMAL DIFFUSION a3 pcrl of arisofiermal difbsbn, the btown ar c subiected lo fie Arc H modes rnpuJse* As a recuit, oold air has a Widency lo descend, and warm air 1o rise and fiereteie lo c^ce a prien orne non of dop (cokd shower] or -j'.i-l^'ji (verticd *?t|xv1.jt □radient). Wien coolna The phenomena of prerraUre drop of tic jet are ccrnpensated for throuji use of fie Cbancb erfect For air supeJyAT greater than fl*C sdect, ai the sarne ime f» Coanda elfe:, a range where fie .1 at fie opposite wall 1- jeater than or equal to 037 nVs. For wall grilles, a verfeaf...
Open the catalog to page 17All Aldes catalogs and technical brochures
Fire Dampers
48 Pages
Fire Protection
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Casings and HRV Units
131 Pages
Air Distribution
229 Pages
Air Diffusion
270 Pages
General catalogue Aldes
580 Pages
Archived catalogs
12 Pages
Axpir range
12 Pages
Air inlets
32 Pages