Water/Air Cooling Systems
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Catalog excerpts

Water/Air Cooling Systems - 1

AKG Thermotechnik International GmbH & Co. KG The AKG Group worldwide present! Am Hohlen Weg 31 D-34369 Hofgeismar • Germany Phone: + 49 5671 - 8 83-0 Fax: + 49 5671 - 35 82 e-Mail: info@akg-group.com Internet: www.akg-group.com Wasser / Luft Kühlanlagen Robuste Ausführung durch Montage des Wärmetauschers in einem stabilen Stahlrahmen. P.O. Box 13 46 D-34363 Hofgeismar • Germany Phone: + 49 5671 - 8 83-0 Fax: + 49 5671 - 35 82 AKG Thermotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Bookenburgweg 1 D-44319 Dortmund • Germany Phone: + 49 231 - 9 21 55-0 Fax: + 49 231 - 9 21 55 29 Autokühler GmbH & Co. KG Industriestraße 24 D-77767 Appenweier • Germany Phone: + 49 7805 - 4 98-0 Fax: + 49 7805 - 4 98 10 AKG France S.A.S. Parc Industriel Sud ZI Rémy 4 rue des Frères Rémy – BP 20416 F-57204 Sarreguemines • France Phone: + 33 3 - 87 95 11 11 Fax: + 33 3 - 87 95 50 05 AKG UK Limited Unit B, Parc Eirin Tonyrefail CF 39 8WW • United Kingdom Phone: + 44 1443 - 67 33 55 Fax: + 44 1443 - 67 06 06 SIA AKG Thermotechnik Lettland Aviacijas iela 34 LV-3004 Jelgava • Latvia Phone: + 371 630 - 1 22 00 Fax: + 371 630 - 1 22 09 AKG Thermal Systems Ltd., Turkey Ulukent Sanayi Bölgesi Çinar Sanayi Sitesi 10001 Sokak No: 28 / J1 - J2 TR-35663 Ulukent, Menemen-Izmir • Turkey Phone: + 90 232 - 8 33 28 22 Fax: + 90 232 - 8 33 33 18 AKG Thermal Systems, Inc. 809 Mattress Factory Road, P.O. Box 189 Mebane, NC 27302-0189 • USA Phone: + 1 919 - 5 63 48 71 Fax: + 1 919 - 5 63 49 17 AKG North American Operations, Inc., Plant Mitchell 925 W Quince St P.O. Box 640 Mitchell, SD 57301 • USA Phone: + 1 605 - 9 96 57 00 AKG Thermal Systems (Taicang) Co., Ltd. No. 92, East Xianfu Road, Taicang Economic Development Zone 215400 Taicang, Jiangsu Province • China Phone: + 86 512 - 53 56 94 18 Fax: + 86 512 - 53 56 94 11 AKG Japan Ltd. NISSO 12 Bldg. 10F. Shin-Yokohama 3-6-12, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, 222-0033 • Japan Phone: + 81 45 - 4 70 54 22 Fax: + 81 45 - 4 72 54 02 AKG India Private Ltd. 119, Udyog Vihar I, Gurgaon Haryana - 122016 • India Phone: + 91 124 - 4 22 24 51 Fax: + 91 124 - 4 22 24 50 AKG Korea Ltd. Suite 1903, Halla Sigma Valley Gasan-dong 345-90 Geumchun-gu 153-706 Seoul • South Korea Phone + 82 263 43 63 80 Fax + 82 263 43 63 85 AKG – Edition 04-2011 (changes and errors excepted) AKG Thermotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Hans-Böckler-Straße 1a D-37170 Uslar • Germany Phone: + 49 5571 - 92 46-0 Fax: + 49 5571 - 92 46 19 AKG of America, Inc. AKG North American Operations, Inc., Plant Mebane 7315 Oakwood Street Extension, P.O. Box 370 Mebane, NC 27302-0370 • USA Phone: + 1 919 - 5 63 42 86 Fax: + 1 919 - 5 63 60 60 AKG – Ausgabe 04-2011(Änderungen, Irrtümer vorbehalten) AKG Thermotechnik GmbH & Co. KG Steinmühlenweg 3 D-34369 Hofgeismar • Germany Phone: + 49 5671 - 8 83-0 Fax: + 49 5671 - 31 98 Heavy duty design with solid steel frame. BAUREIHE W 40: Kühlelement in Kupfer/Messing Betriebsdruck 4,0 bar Hohe Festigkeit durch hartgelötete Ausführung Autokühler GmbH & Co. KG Water / Air Cooling Systems SERIES W 40: cooling element copper brass working pressure 4,0 bar hard soldering guaranties high strength

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Water/Air Cooling Systems - 2

Beispiel / example: intlet temp, difference Erforderl. Kuhlleistung gewahlten Kuhlers cooling performence

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