Catalog excerpts

Introducing the new force in air bearing technology... Without Friction
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ntroducing Airpel-AB A unique new air cylinder featuring Force Without Friction® air bearing technology. Read on! F inally, there’s an air cylinder with precisely Using our new Force Without Friction the features the air cylinder industry has been missing—the Airpel-AB—a pneumatic driver that takes air-powered motion to an incredible level of smoothness, cleanliness, and unsurpassed longevity. This new Airpel® Series’ specially shaped stainless steel piston, precisely tted to the Airpel’s renowned borosilicate glass cylinder, creates a true air bearing airflow effect around the piston. As...
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Without Friction Specications Summary* MODELS Operating Temperature Range STROKES FOR ALL MODELS (mm): 10 – 25 – 40 – 50 – 80 – 100 – 160 – 200 – 250 – 300 Operating Direction: Single acting, air extend (No return spring. Requires external reset force.) Piston Cycle Life (at Air Bearing Pressures): UNLIMITED Air Requirement: Dry/filtered to at least < 1 micron. Coalescing filter required. Rod Connections: Threaded plain end or optional threaded low-friction ball universal joint. Min Pressure for Air Bearing: 5 psi (0.034 MPa) Max Operating Pressure: 100 psi (0.7 MPa) Lubrication: NONE...
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Airpel Division ■ Airpot Corporation ■ 35 Lois Street Norwalk, CT 06851 ■ 1-800-848-7681 ■ fax: 203-849-0539 e-mail: service@airpot.com ■ www.airpot.com Without Friction
Open the catalog to page 4All Airpot catalogs and technical brochures
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