Catalog excerpts

SUPPLYING CLEAN AIR TO INDUSTRY tyisCM' MO DE L M66O Vertical Oil Mist Collector air* «uau-r I TϮie new M660from Air Quality Engineering Inc. s a sef-contained mdia air cleaning System designed for source capturing coolant mist applications in industry. The M660 can be ordered in three stage filtration which wiU effectively remove a brvad range of contaminants including mist smoke, soot, vapors, VOC's and more at a rate of up to 1675 cftn. m\moublitt doaininiif^iirie; Manufacture aid Worldwide Disitibutor ol Air Cleaning Systems for Over 25 Yea^s
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M660 FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS How It Works: Mist laden air enters the unit from ihe base where it turns upward 90° before entering the two aluminum mesh impingers, The aluminum mesh impingers screen out the large droplets from the airsteam before entering the primary filter, The primary filter condenses the remaining mist allowing the clean air to discharge from the top of the unit Condensed mist drains oui of the bottom ol the unit SPECIFICATIONS: DIMENSIONS: 847/ H x 27" Wx 267/ L WEIGHT: 360 Ibs. instaited weight 430 IbS- shippͮng weighl CABINET: 16 gauge wektetf steet cabinet wrth a...
Open the catalog to page 2All Air Quality Engineering catalogs and technical brochures
32 Pages
M33 R&L Media Air Cleaner
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Salon Air
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Kitchen Exhausts
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M32V Air Cleaner
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M32 Air Cleaner
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M73 - Media Air Cleaner
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M67 Industrial Air Filter
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AQE 2000
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MX series
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MistBuster Family
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MistBuster® 500
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Archived catalogs
Grindmaster 1250
1 Pages
Media Air Cleaner
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Electronic Air Cleaner
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AQE 4000 Jet Dust Collector
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MistBuster® 2000
1 Pages
2 Pages
Media Air Cleaner
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Portable Cartridge System
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Brake Motors
74 Pages
Industrial Air Filter
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Fume Extraction Systems
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Dust Collectors
2 Pages