Catalog excerpts

Next Generation MistBuster®: 500, 500 Media, 850, 2000, Infinity Supplying Clean Air to Industry The MistBuster family of self-contained mist removal systems is designed to capture mist and smoke from metalworking applications in the industry. Air Quality Engineering’s loyal community of global users provides the continuous input needed to design new generations of mist collection solutions. Research and development focuses on meeting the demands of today’s high-speed machining operations associated with oil, water soluble or synthetic coolants, using high pressure coolant pumps on a variety of metals. The MistBuster can be direct mounted to machine tools or ducted using a flexible array of optional accessories. MistBuster is the superior alternative to conventional centrifugal and media-type systems. Its design maximizes filtration efficiency and minimizes maintenance requirements by attacking possible points of failure found with other mist collection systems. MistBuster is the best value for a compact, energy efficient, reliable mist collection solution. • High efficiency air filtration through the use of industrial • Ease of installation through direct machine grade electronic cells designed for low static pressure with mount, ceiling mount, wall mount, or floor mount ultimate efficiency up to 97.8% on all submicron particles, as measured by an independent lab test in accordance with ASHRAE standard 52.2 at 500 CFM. • Reliable operation based on in-depth knowledge of air • Comprehensive solutions for a wide range of machining operations designed for single to multiple machine tool applications using electronic precipitation filtration design, all electrical components are in a sealed and for applications requiring it – media and odor control compartment, isolated from the air stream and added to based systems. our patented AQE Advantage cell to reduce maintenance. ™ • Versatile design through a patented coolant selector switch, the MistBuster electronic line of air cleaners can handle the electronic requirements of water based or oil based coolant collection that cause other air cleaners to fail. • Compact, energy efficient design drawing as little as 1 amp under full load, and as small in size as a household microwave. Air Quality Engineering stands behind the quality of the MistBuster with a limited 36 month warranty. Air Quality Engineering, founded in 1973, is proud to offer a continued, superior level of experience in manufacturing complete air filtration systems that provide the highest performance, efficiency, and capacity for the money. Our sales and engineering team’s mission is to identify the most cost-effective, high-quality solutions for our customers’ needs, whether commercial, industrial or residential.
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Next Generation Technology While electrostatic mist collectors provide a high-efficiency filtration system for mist and smoke collection, they sometimes require frequent washing of the electronic filter cell. Cell washing is required when collected contaminants cause a short circuit in the cell. Using next generation technology, individual test sites have seen service intervals increase from monthly washing, to yearly washing of the collector cells. Individual results will vary. Optional 3rd Stage MistBuster High-Efficiency Cell (not shown) MistBuster High-Efficiency Cell MistBuster’s...
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MistBuster® 850 – Next Generation Model 16 gauge steel cabinet with powder coated chemical resistant baked enamel, available in ivory or gray textured finish Power Input Ultimate efficiency up to 99.6% on all submicron particles as measured by independent lab test in accordance with ASHRAE standard 52.2 at 500 CFM. Filtration Stages 1st Stage: 2” baffled inertial impinger Side-swinging door for easy access 2nd Stage: 2” aluminum mesh impinger 3rd Stage: AQE Advantage (Long Life) Electronic Cell AQE Advantage™ (Long Life) Electronic Cell 4th Stage: MistBuster (High-Efficiency) Cell 5th...
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MistBuster® 500 – Next Generation Model 16 gauge steel cabinet with powder coated chemical resistant baked enamel, available in ivory or gray textured finish Power Input Ultimate efficiency up to 97.8% on all submicron particles as measured by independent lab test in accordance with ASHRAE standard 52.2 at 500 CFM Filtration Stages 1st Stage: 2” baffled inertial impinger 2nd Stage: 2” aluminum mesh impinger 3rd Stage: AQE Advantage™ (Long Life) Electronic Cell 4th Stage: Optional HEPA filter 99.97% efficiency, ESF Filter, or Carbon Module Self-regulating, dual voltage solid state power...
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MistBuster® 500 Media – Next Generation Model 16 gauge steel cabinet with powder coated chemical resistant baked enamel, available in ivory or gray textured finish Power Input Filtration Stages 1st Stage: 2” baffled inertial impinger 2nd Stage: 2” aluminum mesh impinger 3rd Stage: 95% efficient MERV 14 pleated filter 4th Stage: Optional HEPA filter 99.97% efficiency or Carbon Module Backward curved, vibration-free, direct drive motorized impeller rated at 500 cfm @ 2.0” W.C. Ten-foot power cord with molded plug Quick release connectors for fast, easy side panel access Inlet Opening 58 lbs...
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MistBuster® 2000 – Next Generation Model 16 gauge steel cabinet with powder coated chemical resistant baked enamel, available in ivory or gray textured finish Power Input Ultimate efficiency up to 99.6% on all submicron particles as measured by independent lab test in accordance with ASHRAE standard 52.2 at 1000 CFM. Filtration Stages 1st Stage: 4” aluminum mesh impinger 2nd Stage: AQE Advantage (Long Life) Electronic Cell x 2 3rd Stage: MistBuster (High-Efficiency) Cell x 2 AQE Advantage™ (Long Life) Electronic Cell 4th Stage: Optional MistBuster (High-Efficiency) Cell x 2 Patented coolant...
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MistBuster® Infinity – Next Generation Model 16 gauge steel cabinet with powder coated chemical resistant baked enamel, available in ivory or gray textured finish Power Input Filtration Stages 1st Stage: 4” aluminum mesh impinger 2nd Stage: 58 sq. ft of lofted microfine fiberglass media 3rd Stage: Optional HEPA filter 99.97% efficiency, ESF Filter, or Carbon Module Backward curved, vibration-free, direct drive motorized impeller rated at 1000 cfm at 3.0” w.g. Ten-foot power cord with molded plug Inlet Opening Machine Mount Stand | Pedestal Stand Ceiling Mount Kit | Wall Mount Kit Plenum |...
Open the catalog to page 7All Air Quality Engineering catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
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