iControl System Brochure


Catalog excerpts

iControl System Brochure - 2

I need a s y stem that lets me focus o n ti g htenin g f asteners! The iControl System m does that simply and effec - t i ve ly , an d t h e ava il a bl e accessor i es l et me customize the system to my e x ac t n eeds . >

Open the catalog to page 2
iControl System Brochure - 6

T orqu e Standard E xten d e d T orqu e S tandard E xten d e d Ran ge Len g th Cable Len g th Cable Ran ge Len g th Cable Len g th Cable 3 -1 5 N m ABN 1 53S ABN 1 53E 2 -1 N m AB S0 1 03S AB S0 1 03 E > T or q u e Standard Extende d T or q u e S tandard Extende d R ang e Length Cable Length Cable R ang e Length Cable Length Cable > LT1A-321-G-Y- R 5-Li g ht Tower, Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Clear Lenses 2 3730 I /O Wirin g Adaptor 2 3490 2-Position Socket tra y 013-13-2 4 -Position Socket tra y 013-13-4 6 -Position Socket tra y 013-13-6 8 -Position Socket tra y 013-13-8 Socket tra y cable...

Open the catalog to page 6

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