![AEROCOMPACT Europe GmbH - logo](https://img.directindustry.com/images_di/logo-p/L4568647.gif)
Catalog excerpts
![COMPACTFLAT S05 - 1](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/4568647/compactflat-s05-1041876_1m.jpg)
COMPACTFLAT S05 AERODYNAMIC. STABLE. INTELLIGENT. Compact and tested substructure for the single-sided stand-mounting of PV modules on flat roofs The system, as part of the CompactFLAT product range, is an aerodynamic south-facing substructure for the fixing of framed PV modules on flat roofs. It is available at an incline of 5° and with different row spacing. No additional components are necessary for reducing the clearance between the modules. With the smallest row spacing, the amount of empty space is reduced considerably, and the system offers more installed modules – meaning more performance and yield – per unit are
Open the catalog to page 1![COMPACTFLAT S05 - 2](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/4568647/compactflat-s05-1041876_2m.jpg)
YEARS PRODUCT WARRANTY WIND TUNNELTESTED The aerodynamic design boasts exceptional structural properties and requires considerably less ballast than other systems on the market. Due to the special “spring effect” of the feet, the substructure adjusts optimally to the conditions of the surface structure. Since the design is not rail-bound, water drainage is provided on all sides. Like the CompactFLAT S10plus, the CompactFLAT S05 also has a 25-year warranty, has been wind tunnel-tested, TÜV-certified in line with UL 2703, and is supplied with a preinstalled building protection mat. With...
Open the catalog to page 2![COMPACTFLAT S05 - 3](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/4568647/compactflat-s05-1041876_3m.jpg)
Für diese Zeichnung behalten wir uns alle Rechte schriftliche den Fall der Patenterteilung oder weder verfielfältigt, noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht schriftliche Zustimmung darf diese Zeichnung weder verfielfältigt, noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden. Für diese Zeichnung behalten wir uns alle Rechte vor, auch für den Fall der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmustereintragung. Ohne unsere vorherige,vor, auch fürZustimmung darf diese Zeichnung Gebrauchsmustereintragung. Ohne unsere vorherige,werden. Diese Zeichnung darf durch den Empfänger oder zu Schadenersatz anderer Weise missbräulich...
Open the catalog to page 3![COMPACTFLAT S05 - 4](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/4568647/compactflat-s05-1041876_4m.jpg)
› M odule clamps with integrated grounding pins › N o roof penetration necessary › A lso suitable for roof edge areas › M ain structure produced from aluminum and stainless steel › Water drainage provided on all sides › O ptimum module ventilation › P re-installed building protection mat › M inimum order quantity only 2 kWp › uickest installation: 1 kWp / Q 5 min. / 2 people › ptimized wind suction openings O › ow transport costs L › ire-tested as per UL 1703 F › ÜV-certified as per UL 2703 T › ind tunnel-tested W › ngineered in Europe E › eneral building inspectorate G approval applied for...
Open the catalog to page 4All AEROCOMPACT Europe GmbH catalogs and technical brochures
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4 Pages
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Product brochure
88 Pages