Catalog excerpts

The Shake Flask Reader can be integrated with the Kuhner equipment family SBM/SS-X, LT-X, ISF1-X, ISF4-X 2 The SFR - Shake Flask Reader monitors oxygen and pH in up to 9 shake flasks simultaneously SFR The Shake Flask Reader (SFR) from PreSens (Precision Sensing GmbH) is an online measurement device that determines valuable parameters such as dissolved oxygen and pH in shake flasks. The increasing demand in online techniques for bioprocess monitoring, driven primarily by the initiative of the FDA regarding ‘Process Analytical Technology’ (PAT ), led to the development of the Shake Flask...
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Shake Flask Reader includes SFR main unit, software, USB to Bluetooth adapter, battery charger & 2 rechargable batteries SFR | 3 Shake flask with sensor spots for non-invasive online measurement of dissolved oxygen and pH Software The SFRS software from PreSens provides an integrated database to evaluate measurements. These results are displayed in real time during the entire cultivation. The software has a data logging function. The data can be displayed in a variety of graphical formats and can be exported to Excel or as a csv-file for further evaluation. The current measurements can be...
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Shake Flask Reader www.kuhner.com Adolf Kühner AG • since 1949 Dinkelbergstrasse 1 CH – 4127 Birsfelden ( Basel ) Switzerland
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