Catalog excerpts

Data recording and visualisation made easy MSX-ilog data loggers from ADDI-DATA are used for continual data acquisition and storage over longer periods of time. Diverse physical measurements can be acquired and shown in three different display modes. Data storage and visualisation take place parallel to one another. The MSX-ilog data loggers are configured over a web-based user interface in a standard browser. Hence, each measurement application can be operated quickly and easily without the need for additional programming. A PC-based application with a constant connection via Ethernet is also an option, as is individual use as a “stand-alone” terminal and self-sufficient power supply. It can be used for monitoring the status of buildings and systems that are only maintained at intervals. Dat A loggers Benefits n Industry standard solutions n One-time acquisition costs (no additional license costs) n Independent of operating systems n Software integrated in hardware – no installation necessary n Simple operation via the web-based user interface n Recording of a number of signal types as physical measurement data n Rapid acquisition www.addi-data.com industrial + internet technology + intelligent + intuitive + integrated = innovative data logger from ADDI-DATA
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Flyer_MSX-ilog_e.indd Addi-data GmbH Airpark Business Center • Airport Boulevard B210 77836 Rheinmünster • Germany Phone: +49 7229 1847-0 • Fax: +49 7229 1847-222 info@addi-data.com • www.addi-data.com Advice needed? Then just call us at Tel: +49 7229 1847-120 or send an e-mail to: info@addi-data.com. i MSX-ilog: Functions n Long-term recording of many signal types n Visualisation: Live or recorded data using a curve diagram, display of value or level n Setup of the test point without programming knowledge n D ifferent start / stop trigger possibilities n Alarm and export function (xls,...
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