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Catalog excerpts

Omega_Data_sheet - 1

MASTER THE LANGUAGE OF YOUR MACHINERY Monitor machine potential failures and their severity Online Monitoring Expert Guard Application

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Omega_Data_sheet - 2

Online Monitoring Expert Guard Application ONLINE VIBRATION MONITORING Easier as never before AUTOMATIC MACHINERY SURVEILLANCE No knowledge needed, expert system does everything for you Omega system is the expert which gives you information about significant issues on your machines and their severity. If you do not have vibration diagnostics department, then Omega gives you the great opportunity to know condition of your machines. But it can also be good assistant for your diagnostics guys. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO USE OMEGA? It is simple, you just need Adash online system A3716 or A3800 with...

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Omega_Data_sheet - 3

The basic machine measurement setup is 5 accelerometers, 4 in radial and 1 in axial direction. This is the basic graph with machine condition information. The ISO 20816 is used for limit values, but user can set his own limit values. DANGER The basic information is the trend of failure progress. Live - actual value H - last hour average value D - last day average value W - last week average value M - last month average value M FAILURE TYPES The failure severity graph is displayed for these failure types: BEARING CONDITION OTHER (UNKNOWN SOURCE) SEVERITY TREND THIS IS THE UNBALANCE SEVERITY...

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Omega_Data_sheet - 4

Online Monitoring Expert Guard Application Omega is created especially for factory control rooms where people monitor machinery pressures, temperatures and other process parameters. Along with these parameters you can display info about mechanical condition of your machines. Omega detects most common machinery faults and displays live and trend values in color bar indicators. For more details contact your distributor or Adash directly. You can call us: +420 596 232 670, visit or send email to We are ready to help you. Adash Hlubinska 32, 702 00, Ostrava Czech...

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All Adash catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Omega_manual

    32 Pages

  2. A3800

    4 Pages

  3. A4404 SAB

    4 Pages

  4. A4910 Lubri

    4 Pages

  5. VA5 Pro

    3 Pages

  6. Adash brochure

    28 Pages

  7. A3716

    3 Pages

  8. Adash Products

    11 Pages

Archived catalogs