Catalog excerpts

Service is the basic of our success!All processes are done and logged as agreed according to our certifi-cation ISO 9001.Our service includes among others: Installation (in cooperation with our partner companies) Inauguration Engineeringגs Training Maintenance Factory calibration Factory repair Customer service Rent out of devices Official certificates and factory certificates Online service Managing directors Marianne and Hermann Stmpfl General informations: founded in 199035 employees20 sales partner worldwidemore than thousands of products ACS-Control-System is a medi-um-sized...
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Austria Belgium Chile Denmark Germany Hungary Finland India Iran Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Switzerland Serbia and Montenegro Spain Turkey Europe e India I Chile > wordlide We are always open-minded for new sales partner > Beside the extensive know how in the divisions development and construction we have a long-standing experience in the realizing of special customer requests and the creation of solution concepts in industrial automation. Products that are used in the fields measuring technique and control engeneering are optimi- zed continnously. ACS-Control-System GmbH in Germany...
Open the catalog to page 3
Filling level Hydrostatic filling level measuring Reliable, rugged filling level measuring using the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid column. From waste water to food applications in all variants and process connections possible. In useHydrocont D50 for hydrostatic filling level measuring in milk tanks.Due to its AKS system (anti-con-densation-system) this sensor is especially suitable for the use in this condensed water conditio-ned very humidity environment. > Hydrocont B Ultrasonic filling level measuring For contact less measuring of liquids and so-lids. Due to modern technique...
Open the catalog to page 4
Water level Data remote transmission module GSM-1000 D D > Hydrolog Water level sensor Hydrolog-1000 o r configuration of the sensor Software GM 600 t status window Software GM 600 Hand-held terminal >
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Standard pressure sensors Pressure sensors with analogue and switching output, in 2-wire or 3-wire-technology, from strain gauge measuring element up to the capacitive ceramic measuring sensor, with or without display, from synthetic housing with plug up to a housing in high-grade steel with terminal box and with all common process connections. > Precont D40 with AKS system in a paper mill. The high envi-ronmental temperature combi-ned with high air humidity and much dirt load caused a high failure rate of conventional pressure sensors. By the use of the Precont D40 the runti-me of the...
Open the catalog to page 6
Temperature transmitter Thermocont ST Screw-in resis-tance thermo-meter > ή ont Compact temperature switch Thermocont TS > Screw-in resistance thermometer PTL > Screw-in resistance thermo-meter PTA , food process connection >
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In use Flange versions, Flowcont F Magnetic-inductive flow meter for the ap- plication in water and waste water eco- nomic. Many variants up to DN1000, Ex versions, compact and separated versi-ons possible. > Flow meter Flowcont F Flowcont F flange version in a wastewater treatment plant for flow measuring and quantity re-cording of sludge. Hygienic versions, Flowcont L Magnetic-inductive flow meter especially for food industry, with hygienic process connections and high-grade steel hou-sing. Flow measurement for partially filled pipes, Flowcont TGF Magnetic-inductive flow meter useable for...
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Display devices From the simple 3 - digit panel device to devices with bar graph display and up to mul-tifunctional display and evaluation devices with multiple channels and limit values. > DDM display devices and Re-gicont recorder in an operation panel in a municipal supply in-stallation. The > Evaluation device Multifunctional, calculation and differen-tiating devices DDM are used for fast visu-al illustration of the measuring values by bar graph and free ad-justable digital display, while the > DXM-400 Evaluation devices for illustration, calculation and linearization of more input...
Open the catalog to page 9
Signal converter Isolation amplifier active Fix adjusted or multifunctional isolation am-plifier with all-voltage power supply and sen-sor supply, with one or two channels. TVA-120 isolation amplifier in a control cubicle for galvanic isola-tion of the analogue signals for a SPS input board. Isolation amplifier passive > Double limit value switch For galvanic safe isolation of analogue cir-cuits, without auxiliary voltage. > GWA Ex isolation amplifier Isolation amplifier for supplying of sensors in an Ex area with galvanic isolation of the output signal. Isolation barrier Ex isolation...
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Sensor technique Light sensor, reflecting light sensor, one-way, laser or frame light barriers, for detection of objects from very near to very wide distances. Hybrid light barrier for detection of stickers and for positioning. Printing mark reader for check, if a production print is available. > Optoelectronic universal sensors S50 series Safety light barriers Light barriers acc. to the regulations of the pro-fessional association, in front of dangerous ma- chines and devices, where man can be hurt. Dirt insensitive light barriers Special light barriers for the use in very dirty and dusty...
Open the catalog to page 11Archived catalogs
Flowcont UN data sheet
8 Pages
water level and
4 Pages