Catalog excerpts

Drill bushings are manufactured from C1144 stress-proofsteel, or other high carbon steels known for their long wearand stability. Specialty steels are available upon request. Standard Drill SIzesI.D.Tolerance #80 to 1/4Nominal+ .0001 to + .0004Over 1/4 to 3/4Nominal+ .0001 to + .0005Over 3/4 to 11/2Nominal+ .0002 to + .0006Over 11/2Nominal+ .0003 to + .0007 Hardness 62-64 Rockwell C Lead Standard Sizes All finish ground press-fit bushings have a concentric ground lead for exact alignment in press-fit starting. Standard sizes in a given I.D. range are sizes listed in the decimal equivalent chart either as a fraction, number or letter size. Any other decimal millimeter size within agiven range is considered ֓ special and will be pricedaccordingly. Countersink For drill entry end Ԗ a blended radius. Counterbore Certain bushings are relived in the I.D., depending on the bore-to-length ratio. They can also be supplied without counterbore. This type of bushing will be priced as a special Ӕ . To order with counterbore , add the prefix letter C Ӕ to the symbol.When using drill bushings with special tools, such as reamers, counterbores, taps, pilots, etc., it would be anadvantage is the exact hole size is specifiedinstead of the tool size. This is important since the tolerance and theclearance of these tools vary according to application.By processing these Special Bushings When a special unlisted hole size is required, or a specialoutside diameter or length is required, the bushingbecomes a ֓ special and will be priced accordingly.When the bushing is not standard and has dimensions notaccording to the catalog, make sure that the length and O.D. are specified as well as the I.D. For Head-Typebushings, specify the head dimensions. Also, wheretolerances are to be different from the catalog tolerances,be sure to include the tolerances ԓ special from semi-finished blanks,prompt service is assured at reasonable prices. All ԓ special bushings will be priced from the factory. required. > HOWTOORDER Ԗ EXAMPLES Terms Add Inside Diameter Size to ANSI Symbol Net 30 Days ,F.O.B. Garwood, New Jersey 07027 USA Example: P10֖5#77 5/32֔ Nominal O.D.5/16 Lengthwith #77 (.0180) Inside Diameter Pricing - Prices subject to change without notice For current price information, call or fax our Sales Department at: PԖ124֖1/16 3/16 Nominal O.D.1/4Ԕ Lengthwith 1/16 (.0625) Inside Diameter > PԖ105֖ .0191 5/32 Nominal O.D.5/16Ԕ Length with .0191 Inside Diameter > Return of Bushings Suggestions for Ordering Special bushings are non-r etur nable . Full credit will be givenfor standard bushings if they are returned freight prepaid Complete tolerance and dimensional data on all ANSI to the factory within two weeks after the date of shipment. For orders exceeding $100 U.S., written authorization mustbe obtained from the factory prior to return shipment. and ABC standard bushings are given in this catalog. See Fractional Decimal DrillSize Chart on preceding page for list of standard drill sizes and decimal equivalents. Inspecifying a drill size, use the number, letter, fractional ordecimal size. In specifying decimally, indicate the size infour places; Example: use .1875, not .187. We would consider .187 as.1870, which would be special. > www. smithbearing .com tel. 800.932.0076 ? fax. 908.789.9429
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