Catalog excerpts
The ABB range of DC motors La gamme ABB de moteurs courant continu Das Angebot von ABB Gleichstrommotoren Tlie ABB range of standard DC motors embraces a power range from 1 kW to 2.0 MW. Motors with shaft heights 180 - 400 mm, a rated output of 25 - 1300 kW and 265 - 22000 Nm arc presenled in tliis catalogue, 'Ihcrc arc catalogues availahlc for other niotor s୩ries. Contact your local ABB company to request thse and further i ni on nation La gamme ABB de moteurs standard c.c. comprend une plage de puissance de 1 kW 2.0 MW. I» moteurs d'une hauteur d axe de 180 - 400 mm. dune puissance...
Open the catalog to page 4General Gnralit驩s Allgemeines Catalogue valdrty Validit du catalogue Gbgkat des Katabgs 6 Mounting arrangements Ooposrtions de montage Bautormen 8 Patent Brevet Patent 6 Internai and external enwonmental conditions ConrJtions amUsni鹻i ntrieures ei extrieures innere und 驠ussere UmwenbadhgunQan 9 Motor/genorator option COtcn molgur/ynraitee rstota/Generalof CDbcn 6 Location of coohng equpment Postfomernerit de l'quipement de fefrodissgmgnt Ara dnung oter K䩹hferausnjstung 9 Oirection of rotation Sens de rotation Drereinn 6 Shipping dtails Dlais d'exp驩dition Transport etI 9 Dfinition of mot or...
Open the catalog to page 5Goneral Gnralit驩s Allgemeines Catalogue validrty Information given in this catalogue is subject to modification in the interesc of tcchnical piogress wiUkxji furtlier notice. Patent DMI patents pending, Motor/generator option Hic DMI art? designed as variable speed motors. Ixit can also bc used as gnera tors. The corresponding data can be supplied on request. Direction of rotation Hic motors listed in this catalogue are suitable for rotation in either direaion Dfinition of motor ends Unless oUierwise stated in the ceder, the foliowing dꩩfinition applics. Validit du catalogue Les...
Open the catalog to page 6Gonoral Gonoralitos Allgerneines Standards DMI motors comply with ihe require-ments of the international standard IEC Publ. 60054-1. Furtler rf響rences to standards can be found in tlie fespective chaptcr in this catalogue, Motors complying with other standards can be supplied on rcquest. The DMI motor sͩries is CE-marked according to EMC Directive 89/336/ EEC and LW Voluge Directive 73/23/ BBC and 93/6a^EEC This sries is also certified to be incorporated into ma-chinery in accordance with tl멯e Machine Directive 89/392/EEC TI>c DMI motor sͩries can as option be dciivcrcd according to CSA for...
Open the catalog to page 7Goneral Gnralit驩s Allgemeines Mounting arrangements The motors can be mounted as shown below. Dsignations are in accordance with lECPubl. 60034-7. Dispositions de montage Les moteurs peuvent tre mont骩s comme indiqu ci-dessous. Les dsignations sont conformes 驠 CE! Publ. 60054-7. Bauformen Folgende Bauformen gemiS 1EC Publ. 6C034-7 sind lieferbar: 777/////////////, LU 1001 77777777777777777? IM 1002 IM 1071 m iooi LU 1051 Other mounting arrangements on request Foundation, motor iiself and fastcning of motor always works togcthcr as a systcm Ail Systems (applications) indpendant of make and...
Open the catalog to page 8Gnral Gonoralitos Allgerneines ^ Access 10 ihc batk of the (lange by dismantling the covers, thrcaded hoirs in ihc fiange for fastening the motor can bc provided on requcsi. note: dmi motor* ahvays have feet. la viicssc critique pour les moteur» monte» sot brides peut 驪tre augmente en ajoutant un support rigide la paire de pieds du moteur qui est le plus loin de ta bride. acc頨s a l'arrire de la bride en dmon tant les carters. des trous filet詩s de la bride pour la fixation du moteur sont disponible* sur demande. note: les moteurs dmi ont toujours des pattes. bei ilanschrnonticricn motoren...
Open the catalog to page 9General Gnralit驩s Allgemeines Degrees of protection The motors can be supplied with the following degrees of protection in ac-cordance with IEC 60034-5 IP 23 Protected against spraying water within 60 ° from the vertical and contact with live parts by fingers or objects larger than 12 mm. Normally for indoor use. IP 54 Protected against dust, splashlng water from any direction and contact with live parts. For use in dusty and/or humid en-vironments. If used outdoors, suit-able protection against storm winds carrying foreign material should be provided. When ambient temperatures below 0 °C...
Open the catalog to page 10Mechanical dosign Stator Stator Slit rider Conception mcaniquo Mechanischo Ausfhrung Stator llie frame, main p鹴les and interpoles are fully laminated. This ensures good commutation even during rapkl currcnt changes. TT»e tator compo-nents are welded together in a fixture, which bodi aligns and presses the plaies together lo fomi a solid unit ITte square shape of the DMI-motor allows simple installation of accͨs-sortes and air duct5 and large operv ings for inspection. Statorwlndings The stator windings are of dual coat type-insulated copper wire. Tie stator Ls impregnatcd 10 makc ihc...
Open the catalog to page 14Mochanical design Conception mcaniquo Mechanische Ausfhrung Lubri cation The standard motors have grease nipples m boch the D-end and N-end. When regreasing ihrough U*e grease nipplcs, excess greasc is foreed out through an opening in the outer bear鹭ing covet Rccommcndcd greascs arc fnund in the Oprting and Maintenance In* struoions for DMI (3 BSM 003045-U Re颜mmended lubricaion interval for a six v : : : motor is engraved an the rat ing plaie. Drive couplings Direa-drive couplings should be of die flexible or rigid types, wluch can compensate for parallcl and angular misaiignment and for...
Open the catalog to page 23Mochanlcal design Concoption rnocaniquo Mechnnische Ausfuhrung Axial bearing loads Permissible axial bearing loads for vertical standard motors are listed beluw. Bearings for higher kxids arc available on request. Motors for oiher combinations of load direction and mounting amingcmcnL arc availablc on request. Charges axiales sur les paliers Les charges axiales autorises pour les moceurs standard verticaux sont indiquer ci-dessous. Des roule-menls prvus pour des chargea sup驩rieures peuvent tre fournis sur demande. Des moteurs pour d'autres combinaisons de direction de charge et...
Open the catalog to page 28Mochanlcal design Concoption mocaniquo Mechanische Ausfuhrung Insulation System The motors in this catalogue comply widi ihe requirements of Class 200 imulation. Tl*e insulation System ts moisture rsistant and is 5iiitable for use in tropical climat es wrthout modification. Armature coiLs and stator windings have dual insulation coats. The base coat is a polyesterimide with a top coat of polyamide-imide enamcl. Insulation to carth is of amid fibre (Nomex). Ail windings are impreg-nated with vamish, whfch gives a high meclmxical stiength. Copper wire insulation, Nomex and the impr魩gnation...
Open the catalog to page 30All ABB Motors Drives and Power Electronics catalogs and technical brochures
Integral horsepower DC motors
96 Pages
Marine generators
6 Pages
Top Drive drilling motor
2 Pages
Low Voltage Roller Table Motors
24 Pages
Low Voltage NEMA Motors
296 Pages
Synchronous motors
20 Pages
24 Pages
AC servo motors BSM Series
100 Pages
ABB FOCS Brochure
8 Pages
ABB drives - Product guide
32 Pages
Low Voltage Water cooled motors
44 Pages
DriveIT Permanent Magnet Motors
72 Pages
Low Voltage Marine Motors
152 Pages
General Purpose Brake Motors
32 Pages