Catalog excerpts

ABB FOCS - Fiber-Optic CurrentSensors Make Ifght work of de current measurement AIIII
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Current knowledge, engineering the future High current de mea srement Systems are a well-established l멩ment of process control and rgulation in the electro-chemical industry However, their complexity and the difficuttes of commissioning has led ABB to seek an improved solution. The resuit of our long-term research and development is not just a new approach, but a major advance in apptied technology. ABB has many ycara of exp鮩rience in power supply. management and mea srement, Wc also have an unparaUcicd rcsource of technical knowledge. and a firm ot»iimitn*eni to extensive tnvestment in...
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The science behind the sensor The new ABB Fiber-Optic Current Sensor is a development of a sensor first used in high-voltage substations. Now available for uni- or bi-directional de current measurement up to 500kA, with corresponding sensor head sizes, it offersan easilyinstalled, interference-free alternative to the Hall effect current transducers.
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Containcd within a ligheweight, modular housing, the sensing Fiber <if thc FOCS can be placed in position without thc need to open thc bus bars. Thc signal is determined by thc endosed current. independem of any iUy magneti* ficld iliMnlnition. and is cntircly uninflueneed by any currents outside thc optical fiher loop - so thc sensor can bc placed anywhcre along the bdf Iwr without fear of interfrence. On-site rccalibration after installation is unnecessary, nrducing installation mc from up to two weeks for a large Hall effect system to just half a day for FOCS. The Faraday effect Once in...
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Choosing the right sensor The new FOCS System has many advantages over the traditional Hall effect current transducer system. The following questions and answers will show you how the FOCS will best meet your requirements. How accurate is the system? Hall effect - hhough highly pr)cise, erroncous output may resuit from, for cxamplc* amplifier saturation at local ficld maxima. FOCS - ccuracy ± 0-1% from 1 120% of nominal currcnL The sysicm b tmmunc to elcctromagncOc interfrence, and tbo rcquirc.% no rrugnetic centring. The lev) of 驠ccuracy 15 unaffected by ambient temprature condition». Is...
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AH you oeed to know For comprchcnsivc de current measurcment support and advicc, or for more information on any aspect of (he FOCS System, pleasc contact ABB. ABB Switzertand Ltd Rber-Opbc Current Sensors Dept. ATPR/FOCS Auslrasse CH-5300 Turgi SwitzortarvJ Wet>: w/Av.abb.conypowGreectronfcs email: (ocs9ch.abb.com Tel: +41 - 58 - 589 39 39 Fax: +41 - 58 - 589 30 03 O Ow<J* 2C04 by M*B H rtji'.t i^fflJ ftMCMotffcre bjC#cI to <Jwno» **kui notte
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