ABB drives - Product guide
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ABB drives - Product guide - 2

Profile ABB has desJgned an extenslve portfolio of variable speed drives tnat Is avaiiable through ABB's sales offices and technical partners around the world. To meet the varying requirements of its customers, ABB offers a wlde range of drives that meet tne spcifie demanda of pump, fan. conveyor and compresser applications through to machlnery and manne applications. This product guide givee an oveivtaw of ABB's portfolio of AC and DC drives. Benefits of using ABB drives Seing aWe to vary the speed and torque of an eiectric motor, and in turn the driven load by using an ABB drive, brlngs...

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ABB drives - Product guide - 3

Electric motors consume about 65% of ail electricity used throughout industry. Yet, less than 10% of those motors are fitted with a variable speed drive. Imagine the energy savings if more motors were controlled by a variable speed drive. Product guxM | AflR atVM 3

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ABB drives - Product guide - 10

ABB low voltage AC drives ABB standard drives ABB standard drives ABB standard drives are designed to contre a wide range of applications such as pumps, fans, conveyors and mixers» as weli as for process control In Industries including matenai handling, food and beverage, chemicai. rubber and plastics, textile and pnnting. The drives are designed tor easy slection, installation, commissfoning and opration. The drtves include a wide variety of built-in features which help reduce installation space and caWing. Th驨se drives are widely available and easy o purchase through the ABB distribution...

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ABB drives - Product guide - 11

ABB low voltage AC drives ABB standard drives ABB standard drives for HVAC applications The ABB standard drive for HVAC. ACH550. is the first drive with nattve BACoet and it is the only certifled and BTL listed drive in the mart<et. The drive is specially designed for heating, ventilation and air-condrtioning (HVAC), and provides several pre-programme application macros, includlng air handiing units' (AHU'S) supply and return fans, cooJing tower fans, booster pumps and condensers. Sries ACS550-02 - Power range 200 lo 355 kW (3-phase 380 to 480 V) - Free-standing drives. IP21 as standard (UL...

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ABB drives - Product guide - 12

ABB low voltage AC drives ABB industrial drives ABB industrial drives ABB induslrial drives are highly flexible AC drives that can be customized to meet the prcise needs of induslrial applications. The drives cover a wide range of powers and voltages, Including voltages up to 690 V. ABB industrial drives can be built in a number of differing formats: wall-mounted, free standing, cabinet, industrial kits, multidrives or liquid-cooled ABB single drives ABB single drives are complte AC drives, whfch can be installed without any additionai cabinet or enciosure. A single drive configuration...

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ABB drives - Product guide - 13

ABB low voltage AC drives ABB industrial drives Sries ACS800-31. low harmonie drives_ - Power range 5,5 to 110 kW (230 to 690 V) - WQll-mounted low harmonie drives. IP21 as standard {UL type 1) - Complte drive paekage - Total current distortlon less than 5% - Power factor as untty - Premium technology - double DTC - Easy start-up - Plug and piay - Start-up assistance - Bullt-in optons accortfng to ACS800 s騩ries Sries ACS8Q0-02_ - Potot range 45 to 560 kW (230 to 690 V) - 6-pulse free standing drives. IP21 as standard (UL type 1) - Ultra compact drive - Everythinginside - Two mounting...

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ABB drives - Product guide - 14

ABB low voltage AC drives ABB industrial drives ABB sfngfe drives ABB cabinet-buil! single drives are drives that are mounted Info a cabinet and the complte assernbly is sold and delkvered as one package. Often the cabinet will Incfude addrtional accessories such as contactors. earth fault protection tnits, etc. Thse components are included when the term cabinet drive is used. Cabinet drives are typicaJIy made-to-order products. Cabinet-built drives S訩ries ACS800-07_ - Power range 45 to 2800 kW (360 to 690 V) - IP21 as standard. IP22, IP42 (UL type 1), IP54 and IP54R as option (UL type 12)...

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ABB drives - Product guide - 15

ABB low voltage AC drives ABB industrial drives Sries ACS800-17. regenerative drives - Power range 45 to 2500 kW (380 to 690 V) - IP21 as standard. IP22. IP42 (UL type 1), IP54 and IP54R as option (UL typa 12) - Advanced regenerative drive m one package - Complte Mi-performance drive - Premium technology - double OTC - Easy start-up - Customtzed solutions - Pre-configured or order-based solutions by application engineering - Industry and marine sp騩cifie hardware and software solutions - Marine type approved design Sries ACS800-37, low harmonie drives - Pcwer range 46 to 2700 kW (380 to 690...

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ABB drives - Product guide - 16

ABB low voltage AC drives ABB industrial drives ABB multidrives ABB multidrives are buill from ABB industriel drive modules connected to a common DC bus. This enables a single power entry and common braking resources for several drives. This construction simplifies the total installation and results In many benefits: savings in cabling. reduced installation and maintenance costs. reduced line currenls. and more. Sries ACS800, air-cooled multidrives - Power range 1.1 to 5600 kW (380 to 690 V) - IP21 as standard. IP22.1P42 (ULtype 1). and IP54 as option (UL type 12) - Common DC busbar...

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ABB drives - Product guide - 17

ABB low voltage AC drives ABB industrial drives ABB single drive modules ABB single drive modules are designed for fast, cost effective installation and Intgration Into a customer's own cabinet. Modules enable OEMs. System integrators and panel builders to build thetr own drive wnile benefrttlng from ABB drives technology such as DTC motor control, adapttve programming and a wide range ol built-in and external Sries ACS800-Q4 and ACS800-04LC_ - Air-cooted power range 0,55 to 1900 kW (230 to 690 V) - Liquid-cooled power range 200 to 2240 kW (380 to 600 V) - IP00.IP20 - Optimized design for...

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ABB drives - Product guide - 19

ABB low voltage AC drives ABB industrial drives ABB multidrive modules ABB multidrive modules are designed to be inslaied Into cabinets that feature a common DC bus, by OEMs and System Integrators. They are avaliable as Inverter modules, supply modules ar.cJ Drak ng chcppers and rsistes ar.d cover a wide range ot applications. Thse modules contain ail the drive technoiogy and diff騩rent types of supply units that convert the AC supply from the mains into a DC supply for the inverter modules. ABB provides full engineering support for desigmng cabinets. Il Inverter units ACS800-104 and...

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