Turbidity Systems 4670 Series
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Catalog excerpts

Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 1

Data Sheet SS/4670 Issue 15 Turbidity Systems 4670 .. Ultralow back scatter – very accurate readings as only light scattering due to turbidity is measured. .. Dry secondary standards supplied for zero and span verification – accurate, repeatable, simple; eliminates the need for formazine solutions .. Ultra-stable electronics – practically no drift – infrequent calibration required .. Auto-clean systems – optimizes performance and reduces maintenance on low and high turbidity samples .. On-line diagnostics – provides assurance of performance of the auto-clean function .. Flow and dip systems – versatile design – satisfies a wide range of applications .. Bubble rejection function – compensation for erroneous readings due to degassing Long-term, reliable performance turbidity systems with low cost of ownership

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 2

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 2 4670 Series Turbidity Systems An ABB turbidity system comprises a 4670 wall-mounting, or 4675 panel-mounting, analyzer together with one of four sensor types designed to meet specific applications. Turbidity Sensors The sensors are available in flow and dip versions and, where appropriate, are supplied with auto-cleaning to minimize maintenance to overcome optical fouling and optimize performance. Model 7997-202 (used on 4670/221 & 4675/221) A flow-through system, utilizing the 90 ° scattered light principle. It is designed specifically for...

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 4

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 4 Practical On-line Systems Turbidity sensors are roughly divided into two main types: a Nephelometers, which measure the proportion of light scattered at a specific angle, that is, 90 ° from the incident beam. For example, 4670/211 and 4670/201 b Absorptiometers, which depend upon the measurement of the absorption (or attenuation) of a light beam passing through the sample. For example, 4670/300 and 4670/400. Nephelometers This type of turbidity meter detects light scattered by the suspended particles in the sample. The most widely used optical...

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 5

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 5 Applications of Turbidity Measurement The majority of turbidity monitor installations in the water industry are in potable water treatment plants, although some turbidity measurements are carried out on sewage/waste water treatment plants. Normally, the instruments used for sewage/waste water treatments plants are calibrated to find suspended solids, that is, mg/l rather than turbidity. In potable water treatment there is an increasing requirement for turbidity measurement in raw water abstraction, through the water treatment process, and finally...

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 6

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 6 Electrical Connections 4670 Panel-mount Version for use with 7997 200 Series and 300 Sensors 4675 Panel-mount Version for use with 7997 400 Series and 410 Sensors ! !"# ! !"# !$ !% &$ &% &' &( &) &* &+ &, &- ##! # $% ./ 0 0 1 23 4 $ % ' ( ) * + , - $. $$ $% 5!6 (,)78 988:% #53(,)

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 8

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 8 Specification 7997-200 Turbidity Sensor Range Programmable 0...25 NTU to 0...250 NTU and 0...500 mg/l (or p.p.m.) Measurement Principle 90 ° scattered light measurement. Compliant to ISO7027 Measurement Characteristic Linear based on Formazine Resolution 0.1 NTU Repeatability Better than 1 % of span Accuracy ±2 % of reading (limited by uncertainty in Formazine standards) from 0...100 NTU ±5 % from 100...250 NTU Temperature drift 0.005 NTU/10 °C (0.003 NTU/10 ºF) Response time Varies with flow rate, typically 90 % step change in 2 minutes at 1...

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 9

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 9 7997-300 Turbidity Sensor Range Programmable 0...100 FTU to 0...500 FTU and 0...1000 mg/l (or ppm) (See Note.) Measurement Principle Transmitted light Measurement Characteristic Logarithmic based on Formazine Resolution 1 FTU Repeatability Better than 1 % of span Accuracy ±2 % of FSD (limited by uncertainty in Formazine standards) Temperature drift 0.2 FTU/°C (0.1 FTU/°F) Response time Varies with flow rate, typically 90 % step change in 2 minutes at 1 l/min-1 Flow rate 0.5...1.5 l/min-1 Integral wiper cleaning system Programmable operational...

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 10

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 10 4670-5/500 Analyzer Models Display Measured value 5-digit x 7-segment backlit LCD Information 16-character, single line, dot matrix, backlit LCD Ranges * 0...2000 FTU with reduced accuracy Units of measurement NTU and FTU all models mg/l on models 7997-300 and 7997-400 Accuracy ±0.2 % of reading, ±1 digit Linearity ±0.1 % FSD Auto-clean timing Programmable 15 min, 30 min, 45 min or 1 hour up to 24 hours in 1 hour increments Environmental Data Operating temperature limits –20...55 °C (–4...131 °F) Storage temperature limits –25...55 °C (–13...131...

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 11

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 11 Overall Dimensions Dimensions in mm (in.) 7997-202 Sensor Dimensions in mm (in.) 7997-300 Sensor (*;)9$;-: $$, 9(;,$: +9.;':< 8 $));)9*;'): # 5 #5 $%9.;):7 5 $%9.;):7

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 13

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 13 Mounting the De-bubbler Debubler Mounting Information (De-bubbler Part Number 7997 500) Typical System Installation for 7997 200 Series and 7997 300 Flow Systems $). 58 $%;;5 ,, <*;) #" $% ;;5 95 '*.A: )(. -$ #7 " (*+. /9B: "# 9+--+%.$ !: /9: 3/ (*+) # 3 / 555 "

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Turbidity Systems 4670 Series - 14

Turbidity Systems 4670 SS/4670 Issue 15 14 Ordering Information Turbidity Systems 467 X/ X X X Analyzer Type Wall-mounting Turbidity Analyzer case IP66/NEMA4X. Range programmable from 0...1 NTU to 0...250 NTU or 0...50 FTU to 0...1000 FTU (extended range 0...2000 FTU). Complete with High and Low alarm relays and isolated current output (programmable 0...10 mA, 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA) and auto-clean. Power supply 110/240 V AC 0 As above with 2 outputs 1 As above with Modbus 6 Panel-mounting Turbidity Analyzer 96 x 96 mm DIN case IP66/NEMA4X. Range programmable from 0...1 NTU to 0...250 NTU...

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