First for Liquid Analysis
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Catalog excerpts

First for Liquid Analysis - 1

First for Liquid Analysis liquid analysis Industrial liquid process analyzers pH conductivity dissolved oxygen turbidity silica phosphate hydrazine fluoride ammonia nitrate chloride reagents AnalyzeIT the experience of many as one makes us stronger

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First for Liquid Analysis - 2

2 ABB – First On Your Analyzer Supplier List ABB Water and Industrial Analysis Division presents this comprehensive overview of analytical instrumentation. This line of innovative instrumentation has been designed specifically to deliver superior accuracy in the harshest environments. By combining the strengths of TBI and Kent-Taylor, ABB brings more than 60 years experience in problem solving to your assistance. ABB brings expertise in liquid analysis to a wide range of industries and applications, such as: œ Bleaching œ Boilers œ Chemical œ Effluent œ Food œ Metals œ Mining œ Paper Mill œ...

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First for Liquid Analysis - 3

3 œ All mounting styles available including: In-line, Insertion/Hot-Tap, 25mm, Tri-Clamp, Dip/Submersible œ 2-Electrode, 4-Electrode, and Toriodal/Electrodeless measurement techniques œ Highest pressure and temperature ratings œ Sensor diagnostics including patented ground loop detection œ Complete line of powerful user friendly electronics œ Guaranteed precision cell constant œ Rugged construction FirstFacts Silica/Phosphate œ Continuous measurement œ Fast speed of response œ Unique auto zero function œ Unique color compensation œ Unique heated reaction chamber œ Dedicated multistream...

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First for Liquid Analysis - 4

4 pH/ORP (Redox)/pIon – Sensors As Diverse as Your Applications: The consolidation of two industry leading companies, Kent-Taylor and TBI, has created an organization that now offers the widest range of pH/ORP (Redox) /pIon sensors available from any industrial analytical supplier. From applications expertise to sensor technologies and product flexibility, ABB delivers the ultimate in performance and versatility. Sensor Mounting To maximize the versatility of ABB pH sensors, we offer a broad range of body styles and mounting options. This diversity provides users with unlimited flexibility...

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First for Liquid Analysis - 5

5 AnalyzeIT The 4600, TB82, and TB84 family of electronics provide users all the flexibility and mounting configurations needed for any environment. Each package can be used with any of ABB’s sensor technologies. Analyzers/Transmitters FirstFacts œ Simple Operator Interface œ AC or DC Powered œ NEMA 4X/IP66 Enclosures œ Easy to read LCD display with versatile Primary and Secondary display options œ Non-Incendive and Intrinsically Safe Electrical Classifications œ FM, CSA, CENELEC Agency Approvals œ Compliant with latest CE Standards œ Sophisticated Electronics and Sensor Diagnostics œ...

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First for Liquid Analysis - 6

6 Conductivity/Resistivity – Sensors The consolidation of two industry leading companies, Kent-Taylor and TBI, has also created an organization that offers the widest range of Conductivity Sensor Technology available from any Industrial Instrumentation Supplier. Our sensor family includes 2-Electrode, 4/Multi-Electrode, and Toroidal/Electrodeless technologies. Whether for high purity water or aggressive chemical applications, ABB has the sensor for you. From applications expertise. Sensor Features Selecting the right sensor technology is critical for optimizing equipment performance. The 2...

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First for Liquid Analysis - 7

7 AnalyzeIT Analyzers/Transmitters The 4600, TB82, and TB84 family of electronics provide users all the flexibility and mounting configurations needed for any environment. Each package can be used with any of ABB’s incredibly diverse line of sensor offerings. FirstFacts œ Simple Operator Interface œ AC or DC Powered œ NEMA 4X/IP66 Enclosures œ Easy to read LCD display with versatile Primary and Secondary display options œ Non-Incendive and Intrinsically Safe Electrical Classifications œ FM, CSA, CENELEC Agency Approvals œ Compliant with latest CE Standards œ Sophisticated Electronics and...

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First for Liquid Analysis - 8

8 Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved Oxygen for low and high levels in boiler water, industrial effluent and waste water. ABB provides simple, cartridge style sensors for reliable dissolved oxygen measurement in various applications. The encapsulated cartridge design eliminates maintenance time previously required to re-build dissolved oxygen sensors. No more changing and stretching membranes or replenishing electrolyte, simply unplug the depleted sensor cartridge and plug-in a new one. Model 4640 Dissolved Oxygen analyzer with the 9408 Dissolved Oxygen probe assembly for high level measurements....

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First for Liquid Analysis - 9

9 AnalyzeIT ABB’s line of low-level dissolved oxygen systems are ideally suited for monitoring the efficiency of deaerarator and oxygen scavenging systems. The encapsulated cartridge design is unique in the low-level D.O. measurement industry Sensor maintenance has never been easier or less expensive. Models 9437 & 9438 Low Level Dissolved Oxygen Systems FirstFacts œ Automatic Calibration Minimizes maintenance time œ Built-in flow regulator ensures uninterrupted measurement œ Automatic thermal overload divert Protects sensor from damage in the event of cooling system malfunction œ Extensive...

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First for Liquid Analysis - 10

10 Turbidity With one of the widest ranges of measurement in the industry, ABB’s unique turbidity systems are ideally suited to demanding industrial applications. LED light sources deliver greater stability and longer life than traditional incandescent light sources. A variety of sensor mounting options allow measurements to be taken throughout a facility, from heat exchangers to effluent discharge monitoring. FirstFacts œ A variety of measuring technologies, absorption for high turbidity levels, or nephlometric scattering for turbidity levels near 0 NTU œ Stable, easy to use dry standards...

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First for Liquid Analysis - 11

Applications 11 AnalyzeIT The ABB 8230 Series Analyzers measure fluoride, ammonia, nitrate or chloride with selective ion electrodes. Provides continuous, rapid on-line measurement, with automatic calibration, minimal reagent usage and reduced maintenance. On-line diagnostics minimize maintenance time by informing the user of out of sample or out of reagent conditions. The continuous temperature control of measurement sample ensures highest accuracy. Fluoride, Ammonia, Nitrate, Chloride œ Free and Total fluoride measurement available in one easy to use system œ Effluent monitoring for...

Open the catalog to page 11

All ABB Measurement & Analytics catalogs and technical brochures

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  3. SCK

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  5. 9QGPS4500

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  6. 9QGPS3100P

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  7. 9QGPS2960

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  8. 9QGPS2625

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  9. MB3600-HP10

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  10. MB3600-CH10

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  11. ACF5000

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  12. Magnos28

    10 Pages

  13. EL3060

    8 Pages

  14. HP30

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  15. Aztec ATS430

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  16. LMS200

    12 Pages

  17. PGC5000

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  18. MR Series

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