ALSCAN Brochure
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Catalog excerpts

ALSCAN Brochure - 1

AnalyzeIT AlSCANTM Analyzer for hydrogen in liquid aluminum Today’s global economy and competition have compelled aluminum producers and aluminum foundries to produce the highest quality aluminum and shape castings. Expertise in process is essential in securing top quality. It is attained from experience and measurement-systematic measurement, enabling control on the melt quality at all stages of the manufacturing process. AlSCAN™ technology provides a proven solution that directly monitors hydrogen in molten aluminum. The AlSCAN™ analyzer is an on-line quantitative measurement technology based on the well known Closed-Loop Recirculation (CLR) method. The AlSCAN™ is built around a proven probe design. n Accurate on-line quantitative measurement of dissolved hydrogen n Continuous monitoring capabilities n Optional probe failure detection n Windows-compatible communication software

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ALSCAN Brochure - 2

2 The hydrogen problem Hydrogen measurement: essential in today’s foundries Hydrogen forms whenever molten aluminium comes into contact with water vapor, and easily dissolves into the melt. The gas tends to come out of the solution and forms bubbles when the melt solidifies. The detrimental effects arising from the presence of an excess of dissolved hydrogen in aluminium are numerous. Hydrogen causes porosity in aluminum products leading to many casting defects, reduced mechanical properties and lower corrosion resistance. Today, several methods are used to reduce the amount of dissolved...

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ALSCAN Brochure - 3

3 Operation principle The Closed Loop Recirculation (CLR) is a proven method of directly monitoring hydrogen in molten aluminium. A small volume of carrier gas, usually nitrogen, is brought in contact with the melt by means of an immersed probe, and is continuously recirculated in the closed loop until its hydrogen content reaches equilibrium with the vapor pressure of H2 in the melt. The H2 concentration in the gas is measured and converted into a reading of the gas concentration in the metal. This method is fast, reproducible and accurate, and can be used “on-line” on the cast shop floor....

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ALSCAN Brochure - 4

Courtesy of GM Central Foundry Analyzer calibration A simple solution for an essential need All measurement techniques must be verified on a regular basis and all measurement techniques need to be verified and calibrated on a regular basis. A calibration module on the AlSCAN™ system performs basic maintenance tests to verify the calibration and confirm its accuracy. This module is also used to re-calibrate the analyzer as required. Current users have proven that the AlSCAN™ analyzer remains stable and accurate month after month. New users do not have to believe this – they can verify it!...

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ALSCAN Brochure - 5

Analyzer for hydrogen in liquid aluminum Measurement Hydrogen Measurement Sensor type: Thermal conductivity catharometer Range: 0 to 9.99 mL of hydrogen per 100g of aluminum (mL/100g) Reproducibility: ± 0.01 mL/100g or 5% of reading, whichever is higher Duration : Typically 10 minutes, varies with alloy and hydrogen level, adjustable from 1 to 99 minutes Automatic sequence: Adjustable from 1 to 99 measurements Melt Temperature Measurement Sensor type: Type K Thermocouple, ungrounded Range: 650 - 1260°C (1202 - 2300°F) Repeatability: ± 1.2% Ambient Relative Humidity Measurement* Sensor type:...

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ALSCAN Brochure - 6

The AlSCAN concept has been developed and validated by Alcan International’s R&D Centre in Arvida, Quebec. Alcan continues to apply its wide expertise and extensive facilities to support the technology. ABB Bomem Inc., a high-tech firm specialized in analytical instruments for laboratory and industry, commercializes and manufactures the whole system in-house, including probes, to high-quality standards. ABB also supports the product in the field, through its North American, European and Asian service outlets. The AlSCAN equipment is protected by a 12-month warranty on both parts and labor...

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