Group: ABB
Catalog excerpts

The integrated analyzer system solution >
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The measurement of a large number of different gas components, at low concentrations, places exacting demands on your continuous gas analysis systems. At ABB, we offer you solutions that meet and exceed those demands, with flexible systems designed to provide optimum results at very competitive prices.With Advance Optima, ABB is the right partner for you. Advanced and reliable technology Advance Optima is based on an integrated systemconcept and it excels the performance standards of conventional analyzers. Thanks to the advanced features built into all Advance Optima...
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Integrated system solutions for added flexibility "Packaging" that fits right in Three system housings are available: a 19" slide-inversion for cabinet installation, a wall mounted housing and an explosion-protected design. And all these housings can be purged for the measurement of toxic or corrosive gases. Standardized modules can now be adapted to your measuring tasks and combined to systems tailoredto your individual requirements. And all of theseassemblies are designed to integrate flexibly with each other ֖ from analyzer modules to housings,from displays to control units and from...
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Thanks to Advance Optima֒s unique communication network, which includes a wide range of standard interfaces, vital information can be made available virtually anywhere. Its analyzers are seamlessly incorporated in existing PC networks or higher-level control systems by means of an integrated ethernet, profibus or modbus port. Improved operating functions such as remote con-trol of the analyzer, effective asset management as well as the installation of new software versions from a central maintenance computer, are now also possible. And advanced software tools are available too. Naturally,...
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Safety concept for flammable and toxic sampling components A sophisticated safety concept which is built into Advance Optima ensures the impermeability of its measuring system. Minimized purging volumesand superior EEx nAC (nonincendive) protection even permits the installation of these modules inhazardous Zone 2 or Division 2 areas. Explosion protection Advance Optima with all its associated safetyengineering assemblies is certified for operation inhazardous Zone 1, Zone 2 and Class I Division 2designated areas.The AO2060 category's 2G analyzers are available inan explosion-proof version....
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The continuous NDIR industrial photometer can selectively measure concentrations of up to foursample components. The analyzer features gas-filled opto-pneumaticdetectors. Detector filling corresponds to the gasbeing measured. This means that the detector provides optimum sensitivity and high selectivitycompared with the other gas components in thesample. Smallest measuring ranges are possible with the thermostat version. Typical applications Emission monitoring Landfill gas monitoring Gas production/purity monitoring Burner optimization Process monitoring, e.g. in the chemical industry,...
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Typical applications Burner optimization The Limas11 is a process photometer which is easily configured to meet individual process measurement requirements. The measuring principle is particularly reliablebecause of its high stability which is based on the four-beam signal processing principle. As a result, the Limas11 is unaffected by contamination in thecells. A high degree of selectivity is provided byusing interference and gas filters as well as optimum selection of measured wavelength and referencewavelength. This allows electronic cross sensitivitycorrection.The Limas11 is also the...
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The Caldos25 is designed for highly corrosive appli- cations. The measuring cell with its glass-coatedresistor is especially resistant to corrosive gases.With Caldos25 pressure correction is not required. The measurement signal is completely independent of the sample gas pressure whether negative orpositive. Smallest measuring ranges and fast measurementsare characteristic of Caldos27 thanks to its siliconsensor. In addition, the micro-structure of the sensorgives the Caldos27 a particularly short T > 90 responsetime. Measuring ranges can be selected freely. An exceptionally long-term...
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Measurement principle The Magnos206 is based on the magneto-mecha- nical measuring principle. Thanks to the short T The measuring method of this analyzer module is based on the specific paramagnetic behavior of oxygen. > 90 time, the Magnos206 is also suitable for measuring rapid changes in the concentration of the samplegas. The ability to freely select measuring ranges and setsuppressed ranges means that the analyzer can be easily adapted to specific measurement tasks. Evenmeasurements for safety are no problem monito- ring the sample flow rate through the measuringchamber always ensures...
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The Multi-FID14 is a flame ionization detector which measures the total content of organic carbonin the sample gas. For this purpose organic sub-stances are ionized in a hydrogen flame. The current of these ions is proportional to the organic carbon content. The analyzer is heated up to 200 C andcan be directly connected to a heated sample gasline. Thus no cold spots occur at any point. The Multi-FID14 features self-monitoring, fault detection, logging and messaging functions. An automatic reset is also possible after fault correction. The Multi-FID14 NMHC is a flame ionization detec-tor...
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The LS25 laser analyzer selectively measures theconcentration of up to two sample components.The laser operates according to the principle ofsingle-line spectroscopy. For measurement purposes a single absorption line is selected from the gas to be measured in the near infrared spectral range, atwhich no cross-sensitivity from other gases occurs.The absorption line is scanned and the receiver located opposite detects the absorption caused by the sample gas and calculates the gas concentration from this. Multianalyzer systems allow the combination of upto four analyzer modules from the...
Open the catalog to page 11All ABB Measurement & Analytics catalogs and technical brochures
Sensyflow FMT700-P Compact
4 Pages
CoriolisMaster FCB100, FCH100
60 Pages
ProKiln GAC400
24 Pages
AV1 and AV2
24 Pages
OriMaster FPD500
24 Pages
AquaProbe FEA200
16 Pages
4 Pages
266HSH and 266NSH
40 Pages
261GC, 261GG, 261GN and 261AC
44 Pages
LM200 Laser level transmitter
24 Pages
LLT100 Laser level transmitter
26 Pages
CoriolisMaster FCB400, FCH400
104 Pages
PME120-AI / PME120-AN (Contrac)
28 Pages
Millmate roll force systems
20 Pages
FTSW100 Process software
4 Pages
Totalflow host software
8 Pages
20 Pages
SCADAvantage™ EFM Tool
4 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
9QGPS5100L Tension load cell
12 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
Ultrasonic level LST400
12 Pages
5 Pages
8 Pages
16 Pages
Diode laser analyser LS4000
4 Pages
10 Pages
Dynamic QR Code
4 Pages
8 Pages
Pressductor Radial load cells
20 Pages
4 Pages
Aztec ATS430
12 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
4 Pages
Recording and Control
20 Pages
2600T Pressure Transmitters
12 Pages
8 Pages
ProcessMaster FEP610
8 Pages
ALSCAN Brochure
6 Pages
MR Series
2 Pages
Emission Monitoring
8 Pages
Turbidity Systems 4670 Series
16 Pages
Sodium Monitor Model 8036
8 Pages
Aztec 600 Iron Analyzer
12 Pages
First for Liquid Analysis
16 Pages
ABB product catalog
32 Pages
process photometer
6 Pages
Sodium Monitor Model 8036
8 Pages