Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1Mo t or P ow e r Com pa n y www.m ot orpow e rc o. c om info@m ot orpow e rc o. i t All r ight s re se rve d. Comple t e or pa rt i a l re produ c t i on is no t a l l ow e d w i t h ou t ou r pe rm i ssi on.
Open the catalog to page 2WELCOME TO MOTOR POWER COMPANY pr ov ide high dy na mic r e sponse for a ny a ut oma t ion need. A c a r e ful se le c t ion of c ompone nt s, highe st qua lit y s tandard a nd int e r na t iona l c e r t ific a t ions a ssur e t ha t t his s eri es i s opt imum for a r e sponsiv e , a c c ur a t e a nd r e lia ble a utom ati on. The bundle suppor t s a n innov a t iv e a nd pa t e nt ed 20 bi t a bsolut e ma gne t ic e nc ode r , fe a t ur ing c ompa c t nes s , hi gh r e solut ion a nd a c c ur a c y , for high e nd a pplic a t ion r e qui rem ents . TE TR A CO MPACT–E br ushle ss se r v...
Open the catalog to page 3BRUSHLESS TECHNOLOGY FEATURES AND BENEFITS S ynchrono us brushle ss se rvom ot or Flange dime nsion s: 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 - 130 - 180 m m 0. 16 Nm to 4 5 Nm ra t ed t or que 50 W to 7 kW ra ted out put power R ated winding vo ltag e 230 Vac and 400 Vac Maxi mum servo mot o r spe e d u p t o 6000rpm B ui l t-in 20 bit propr ie t a ry a bsol u t e m a gn e t i c e n c od e r TTL enco der, absolut e m u l t i t u rn e n c ode r ( Hi pe rf a c e ) , a ls o a v a ila b le . Insu l at ion class F (15 5 ° C) IP 65 (wit h o il seal) S h aft balancing class G 2, 5 a c c ordi n g IS O 1940 A mb i e...
Open the catalog to page 4Servomotor Type Nominal Power P n [W] Nominal Torque Mn [Nm] Peak Torque M max [Nm]
Open the catalog to page 5DO - 300mm output cable lenght with plastic connector (tc-e 40,60,80) C2 <*> - 90° M23 turnable connectors (tc-e 60,80,100,130,180) C3 - MS connectors (tc-e 100,130,180)
Open the catalog to page 6FLEXI PRO DRIVE TYPE 1 XX Drive Name Special Specification AC and Controller Input Power Supply Interface Options Analog Input AF - Analog Voltage/Pulse Train Ref & CANopen® & USB & RS 232 EC - EtherCAT, USB, RS232 EB - EtherCAT, USB ( (two analog inputs only) 1 - One Analog input, 16 bit 2 - Two Analog inputs, 14 bit each The original magnetic encoder features a simple mechanical design that allows the same level of resolution and accuracy as optical absolute encoders whilst reducing complexity. The simplicity is the key to achieving compactness, high resolution and accuracy at a...
Open the catalog to page 7SERVO DRIVE The F LEXI PRO series features a high-performance digital servo drive offering advanced functionality, high power densi ty and seamless commissioning in a superior package. The innovative hardware design and software algorithms boast outstanding performance in one of the smallest footprints in the market. INNOVATIVE AND PATENTED 20 BIT ABSOLUTE MAGNETIC MULTIFEEDBACK DIGITAL I/O: 11 DIGITAL INPUT AND 6 OUTPUT CUSTOMIZABLE WITH SEVERAL BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS AND INTERNAL SCRIPT CONTROL: HD ADVANCED CONTROL LOOP WITH ADAPTIVE SERVO MODES: TORQUE, VELOCITY AND POSITION WITH S-CURVE...
Open the catalog to page 8FLEXI PRO SUITE > SIMPLIFIES SETUP, TESTING AND TUNING User-friendly FLEXI SUITE software provides step-by-step guidance through the setup and tuning process. Setup and testing are intuitive thanks to auto-tuning functions and graphic representations of control loops
Open the catalog to page 9TIME RATING INSULATION CLASS ENCLOSURE PROTECTION CLASS Totally enclosed. Self-cooled POLES 8 IP 54 Standard CERTIFICATION UL 1004, CSA, CE and Rohs approved IP 65 with shaft sealing Reach compliance Continuous stall torque Peak torque Nominal working speed Maximum working speed Nominal torque Nominal current Nominal power Rated winding voltage Maximum winding voltage Maximum voltage to ground Maximum current Continuous stall current Voltage Constant Torque Constant Winding resistance Winding inductance Winding inductance Rotor inertia without holding brake Rotor...
Open the catalog to page 10TIME RATING INSULATION CLASS ENCLOSURE PROTECTION CLASS Totally enclosed. Self-cooled POLES 8 IP 54 Standard CERTIFICATION UL 1004, CSA, CE and Rohs approved IP 65 with shaft sealing Reach compliance Continuous stall torque Peak torque Nominal working speed Maximum working speed Nominal torque Nominal current Nominal power Rated winding voltage Maximum winding voltage Maximum voltage to ground Maximum current Continuous stall current Voltage Constant Torque Constant Winding resistance Winding inductance Winding inductance Rotor inertia without holding brake Rotor...
Open the catalog to page 11TETRA COMPACT-E 40 230 Vac TORQUE AND SPEED CHARTS
Open the catalog to page 12TC-E 40 1A TC-E 40 1B L without brake with feedback A2 mm L with brake with feedback A2 mm L without brake with feedback A1 mm L with brake with feedback A1 mm Z without brake mm Z with brake mm
Open the catalog to page 13TIME RATING Continuous AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -20 ... + 40 °C INSULATION CLASS F RELATIVE HUMIDITY 5 ... 85% (non-condensing) ENCLOSURE Totally enclosed. Self-cooled POLES 8 PROTECTION CLASS IP 54 Standard CERTIFICATION UL 1004, CSA, CE and Rohs approved IP 65 with shaft sealing Reach compliance Continuous stall torque Peak torque Nominal working speed Maximum working speed Nominal torque Nominal current Nominal power Rated winding voltage Maximum winding voltage Maximum voltage to ground Maximum current Continuous stall current Voltage Constant Torque...
Open the catalog to page 14TIME RATING Continuous AMBIENT TEMPERATURE -20 ... + 40 °C INSULATION CLASS F RELATIVE HUMIDITY 5 ... 85% (non-condensing) ENCLOSURE Totally enclosed. Self-cooled POLES 8 PROTECTION CLASS IP 54 Standard CERTIFICATION UL 1004, CSA, CE and Rohs approved IP 65 with shaft sealing Reach compliance Continuous stall torque Peak torque Nominal working speed Maximum working speed Nominal torque Nominal current Nominal power Rated winding voltage Maximum winding voltage Maximum voltage to ground Maximum current Continuous stall current Voltage Constant Torque...
Open the catalog to page 15TC-E 60 2A TC-E 60 2B L without brake with feedback A2 mm L with brake with feedback A2 mm L without brake with feedback A1 mm L with brake with feedback A1 mm Z without brake mm Z with brake mm
Open the catalog to page 17All A2V Mécatronique catalogs and technical brochures
Pump Machine Series - KCP
1 Pages
127 Pages
2 Pages