Group: 4B Group

Catalog excerpts

ELEVATOR BUCKETS A Worldwide Manufacturer of High Quality, Technologically Advanced Material Handling & Electronic Components
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BUCKET SELECTION GUIDE ELEVATOR BUCKETS MILD STEEL REINFORCED NYLON NYRIM / NYLATHANE™ Wear Resistance Impact Resistance Beige / Green Dark Grey SUPER STARCO™ SUPER STARCO™ STARCO JUMBO™ JUMBO CC-S® (Bottomless) Steel ELEVATOR BUCKETS Code: 1 = Low 4 = High / * Other colours on request / # Refer to our technical department Page 19 MATERIAL / APPLICATIONS Mild Steel General purpose, long life, cereals and industrial products Food, highly corrosive and high temperature products Hot, abrasive and sticky products (FDA approved) Sharp, cutting and sticky products Reinforced Nylon Nyrim /...
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TYPE SPS SUPER STARCO™ The Super Starco™ bucket is the result of intensive research to achieve the maximum individual bucket capacity, while still maintaining the perfect fill and discharge characteristics of the original Starco bucket over a wide speed range. TYPE SPS SUPER STARCO™ Versatile bucket, available in many sizes Increased Volume, with the same discharge characteristics as the Starco™ bucket Less buckets required per metre Less bolts and punching required Reduced cost for belt & bucket installation PRESSED SEAMLESS STEEL / STAINLESS STEEL Agricultural & Industrial Capacity...
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TYPE SPS SUPER STARCO™ The Super Starco™ bucket is the result of intensive research to achieve the maximum individual bucket capacity, while still maintaining the perfect fill and discharge characteristics of the original Starco bucket over a wide speed range. TYPE SPS SUPER STARCO™ Versatile bucket, available in many sizes Increased Volume, with the same discharge characteristics as the Starco™ bucket Less buckets required per metre Less bolts and punching required Reduced cost for belt & bucket installation Agricultural & Industrial Capacity (Litres) Capacity (Litres) Available Options N...
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The original STARCO™ Super Low Profile Elevator Bucket System - a bucket design for higher capacity at closer bucket spacing. Higher capacity: up to 100% capacity increase for existing elevators More flexibility: operates effectively over a wide speed range (from 1.25 m/s to 4.55 m/s) Unique stream discharge pattern: reduces product damage and dust PRESSED SEAMLESS STEEL / STAINLESS STEEL / GALVANISED DID YOU KNOW…The Starco bucket was originally invented by 4B Braime’s French subsidiary, SETEM, in the 1980s and was the first low profile elevator bucket to use centrifugal discharge on a...
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TYPE SJ STARCO JUMBO™ Developed to meet the needs of industrial elevators, particularly cement. Deep drawn solid steel bucket, designed and engineered to replace large fabricated buckets. Suitable for use with both standard rubber and steel cord belting. TYPE SJ STARCO JUMBO™ Improved capacity: Wingless design, improves fill and allows closer spacing Greater strength/longer life: Solid seamless construction with rounded corners for rigidity. No welds or joints to open up Economic solution More buckets per metre: More capacity, smaller casing PRESSED SEAMLESS STEEL SJ BUCKETS / BC CLAMP /...
Open the catalog to page 6
TYPE GB GB / SPIDEX™ BOTTOMLESS GB Spidex™ is a pressed steel bottomless bucket system that can double your existing elevator capacity and handle your troublesome materials. This unique bucket system lifts material in a continuous column, so the carrying space between conventional buckets is fully utilized by material to achieve much greater capacity. GB SPIDEX™ BOTTOMLESS BUCKETS Optimum possible capacity for a given elevator case Cost effective increase in leg capacity Self-cleaning, vented system - ideal for sticky and powdery products GB SPIDEX™ UNIQUE DESIGN FEATURES PRESSED SEAMLESS...
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TYPE CC-S® AMERICAN GRAIN A big volume, heavy duty bucket offering greater capacities. Moulded from premium virgin white polymer for ultimate strength and durability. TYPE CC-S® AMERICAN GRAIN Maximum impact resistance Thickest front lip in the grain industry for no bowing and backlegging “Iceberg edge”™ ensures clean and consistent discharge PRODUCT TESTING - Rigorous product testing on all of our material handling components is conducted at 4B’s own in-house testing facilities. This ensures that we provide our customers with the best products in quality, durability and performance....
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TYPE JCC-S JUMBO CC-S HIGH EFFICIENCY ELEVATOR BUCKETS The JUMBO CC-S ® is an ultra heavy duty version of the CC-S heavy duty elevator bucket, and part of 4B’s High Efficiency bucket range. At 4B, our basis has always been engineering and our expertise in providing comprehensive solutions. In keeping with these core values, we designed our family of High Efficiency elevator buckets to deliver the maximum possible elevator leg throughput for the lowest cost per ton. Every bucket in every line of the High Efficiency family has five distinct features, each of which conveys efficiency. Only 4B...
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TYPE J AMERICAN GRAIN A big volume, CC-style steel bucket designed for use with free flowing materials. For use in medium and high speed elevators. High capacity: Wingless design, improves fill and allows closer spacing on belt Supplied complete with standard recessed holes Ideal for free flowing materials on medium speed elevators Fully interchangeable with CC style buckets PRESSED SEAMLESS STEEL / STAINLESS STEEL Agricultural Pressed Steel Bucket. Greater strength/longer life: Solid seamless construction with rounded corners for rigidity. No welds or joints to open up PRESSED STEEL /...
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TYPE A SHALLOW PATTERN Industrial Pressed Steel Bucket. Pressed Seamless Steel Bucket. Supplied complete with standard recessed holes Low front and open profile Ideal for handling difficult, sticky industrial materials For free flowing materials at higher speeds and closer spacing PRESSED SEAMLESS STEEL Recessed Holes For sticky materials at slow speeds PRESSED SEAMLESS STEEL Capacity (Litres) Bolt Holes Free Engineering Design Service - contact 4B or visit: www.go4b.com * Note: Dimensions for H Types measured internally in accordance with DIN Norm / ** Not to DIN Norm LOOKING FOR A...
Open the catalog to page 11All 4B Braime Components catalogs and technical brochures
RG4 Rotary Level Sensor
6 Pages
4B ATEX Junction Boxes
1 Pages
Milli-Vib - Vibration Sensor
2 Pages
4B Cement Industry Solutions
8 Pages
4B VIBMIL vibration sensor
2 Pages
RG3 Rotary Level Sensor
7 Pages
Elevator Bolts
5 Pages
4B Elevator Belting
11 Pages
EASIFIT Elevator Bolts
1 Pages
FANG Elevator Bolts
1 Pages
Reference 70 Elevator Bolts
2 Pages
Euro Bolt
1 Pages
4B Sugar Mill Chains
24 Pages
JUMBO CC-S Elevator Buckets
2 Pages
4B Rotech Encoder
2 Pages
4B Tacho
2 Pages
X400 Alarmswitch
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
4B Level Indicators
7 Pages
M100 Stopswitch
2 Pages
Slack Chain Detection
1 Pages
4B explosion vent panels
1 Pages
M300 Slipswitch
2 Pages