Catalog excerpts

SINGLE POINT STIRRERS INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS | WELL-PROVEN CONCEPTS MULTIPLE STIRRERS SUBMERSIBLE SINGLE POINT STIRRERS SUBMERSIBLE MULTIPLE STIRRERS CONTROL UNITS FOR MIXDRIVE HEATABLE STIRRERS STIRRING HOPLATES 100% wear-free Made for permanent operation STIRRING HEATING BLOCKS 1 ml up to 1,000 litres Up to 96 stirring points Submersible magnetic stirrers Heat resistance up to +200 °C CELL CULTURE STIRRERS CONTROL UNITS FOR BIOMIXDRIVE CELL CULTURE STIRRERS FOR INCUBATORS Customized stirrers on request 3 years warranty Made in Germany MICROTITER PLATE STIRRERS CONTROL UNITS FOR MIXDRIVE MTP bioMIXcontrol 4MS (only for bioMIXdrive 1) SPECIALIZED STIRRERS magnetic emotion atexMIXdrive + atexMIXcontrol cleanroom INDUSTRIAL STIRRERS FOR LARGE VOLUMES ACCESSORIES FOR INDUSTRIAL STIRRERS 2mag AG Schragenhofstrasse 35 I-K 80992 Munich Germany maxMIX maxFRAME/ fabFRAME STIRRING BARS 100% maintenance-free| 100% wear-free | Made in Germany magnetic emotion
Open the catalog to page 1All 2mag AG catalogs and technical brochures
2mag Magnetic Stirrers 2019
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Archived catalogs
2mag Product Overview
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2mag Magnetic Stirrers 2017
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2mag Magnetic Stirrers 2016
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2mag Magnetic Stirrers 2015
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