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EQUIPE Hotel - 2

Equipe Hotel | Features Separate disposal VERMOP has developed a special detachable system so you can remove the disposal unit from the rest of the trolley with a single click. Now you can simply leave Equipe Hotel in the cleaning area while you dispose of waste or enter textiles into the laundry cycle separately. Effective storage of small items Compartment dividers ensure small items can be neatly stored (choice of 4- or 8-compartment dividers). Disposal unit from above More space with easy add-ons The Equipe Hotel trolley can be expanded by attaching one or two add-on modules to support...

EQUIPE Hotel - 3

Equipe Hotel trolleys help conserve valuable resources The Equipe Hotel’s modular design means that you can adapt the trolley to your own individual requirements. Here are just a few examples for different cleaning jobs. Flexible, long-lasting trolley You can replace individual trolley components if the cleaning assignment changes or you move to a different premises. Long service life High-quality materials such as plastic reinforced with glass fibre. Made in Germany Certified and transparent production processes. Equipe Hotel H1, detachable, “Platinum White”, code: 16668305 Equipe Hotel H3...


Vermop Salmon GmbHのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. JETVAC SD 7

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  2. JETVAC SD 12

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  3. JETVAC SD 12 D

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  4. Twix System 30 cm

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  5. Textile Pads

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  6. Wringer VK 4

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    1 ページ


    12 ページ

  9. VERMOP Catalog

    269 ページ

  10. The Best EQUIPE ever

    12 ページ