
5 - A xis L A S E R C U T T I NG VIRTUAL TEACHING IN PROTOT YPE AND SERIAL PRODUCTION. 5-Axis Laser Cutting Just load the part, design the fixture with a few clicks of the mouse, and then quickly and safely create the NC program for laser cutting the part. The Tebis 5-Axis Laser Cutting CAM module lets you use your cutting machines with maximum efficiency, taking their kinematics and head geometry into consideration in every calculation. The Tebis 5-Axis Laser Cutting CAM module calculates NC programs offline for multi-axis laser cutting. The software supports machining processes from sheet-metal deep drawing and profiling to the production of fixtures, as well as the operation of welding robots and water-jet cutters. Die makers regularly use Tebis laser cutting while testing draw operations in the try-out phase to define compensation for springback behavior in trimmed sheet metal parts. All calculations can be quickly and easily simulated and analyzed. That lets the system automatically recognize and graphically highlight areas with major rotational movements or high lateral inclination, just as it recognizes and highlights areas at risk for collisions. Powerful, graphically interactive functions are available for subsequent processing of the identified path areas. Using them, you can quickly and easily moderate excessive rotational movements and eliminate collision hazards by changing the 3D orientations of the laser head.
Tebis CAM – 5-Axis laser cutting Calculating the contour cut programs – Automatically or step-by-step in the dialog The cutting programs contain macros for the approach and retraction of the laser head and take into account both the machine and the material to be cut. Tebis calculates the toolpaths either automatically or in the interactive step mode. In the interactive mode, the system shows the intermediate result, which you can then accept or change. This will allow you to affect the start position and the 3D position of the machine head, as well as the areas to be cut and their...
Semi-automatic and fully automatic collision checking When calculating NC programs, the system automatically checks the complete laser head for collisions with the part. These collision checks can be extended to include clamping elements. Tebis automatically identifies areas at risk for collisions with the part or with other obstacles and uses the graphic interface to help users circumvent them. During the cutting path calculations, the system automatically monitors the machine’s kinematic properties, such as its tilting limits and preferred starting position. In the fully automated mode,...
Fixtures at the click of a button Tebis 5-Axis Laser Cutting automatically calculates the complete supporting ribs geometry for fixtures – either with a base plate or with a machine table’s holder grid as a guide. But you can intervene at any time and change the system’s suggestions, such as the number and position of the ribs or their table allocation on the sheet metal blank. Everything works toward one goal: the fast delivery of a precisely cut part. Technology support for all machines Tebis supports technological subprograms such as those for transferring into the NC program table-based...
Tebis Viewer pages 8
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Multiple setup
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Tebis Viewer pages 2
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5 Axis Trimming
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tebis Products
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