Amenabar Special Products
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Amenabar Special Products - 1

Steel Chains Grade-80 for Chain Hoists (especial uses - no lifting) Special Products HAND CHAIN HOIST FITTED TO THE “REDUCED HEIGHT” TROLLEY This type of Amenabar chain hoist enables its use in places of reduced height. The height loss is minimum, due to the fact that the load hook is lifted on the chain hoist side. It can be supplied with a hand driven or a chain trolley. SYNCHRONIZED CHAIN HOIST EN 818/7 Chain for powered chain hoist (DAT) Diameter d mm. Load Maxima Work Proof Load Breaking Load EN 818/7 Chain for hand chain hoist (T) Diameter d mm. Load Maxima Work Proof Load Breaking Load The lifting of heavy loads requires suspension from more than one fixed point. In this case it is essential to guarantee a synchronized movement of all the units intervening in the lifting process and in this way avoid the overloading of any of the units or parts of the load to be lifted. Amenabar advises you and provides the appropriate solution to your specific requirements and/or problems. INVERTED CHAIN HOIST For portable applications, the use of a chain hoist that operates in an inverted position reduces the effort of the operation. As it is not necessary to hang the chain hoist from the part to be suspended, it is sufficient to hang or fix the hook of the chain hoist to part of the structure. On the other hand, the supporting effort required is reduced as the hook weighs far less than the body of the chain hoist. The exclusive Amenabar permanent guidance system allows the inverted operation of its chain hoists without the need to make important modifications to the unit. GEARED TROLLEY TO CHAIN HOIST The trolley to chain hoist are recommended by Amenabar: - When smooth and highly precise control is required for the lateral movement of the loads. - When short movements need to be performed. - When the load is very heavy. Hand Chain (Control) Dimensions (mm.) Amenabar The Hoist Company 30

Amenabar Special Products - 2

Amenabar Recommendations General Risks for all Machines The pieces to be lifted shall be of good construction, Chains should be oiled at frequent and regular intervals solid and resistant material. when rolled in drums or passing over hoists, except PREVENTATIVE MEASURES when they can retain or pick up sand or gravel and when Do not pull on the taught chains under the load or rotate they are used as slings loads around them. Chains should be stored hanging from hooks in such a Chains shall be made of wrought iron or steel. The safety factor shall be at least five for the maximum nominal...

Amenabar Special Products - 3

Applicable Legislation - Spanish legislation UNE 58915/1992 Series Elevation Units. Fax Service (34 - 945 450 304) Request Details: UNE 58919/1995 Series Elevation Units. Measures to be taken to determine the operating periods of the power driven units. UNE 58920/1999 Elevation Force Restrictors for the control of power-driven elevating mechanisms. Chain Hoist. UNE-EN 818/7: 2002 Elevation Chains with short links. Safety. Part 7: Calibrated Chain for Chain Hoists. Class T (Types T, DAT and DT). ROYAL DECREE 2291/1985. Regulation for Lifting Equipment (MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND ENERGY,...


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  1. Amenabar Chains

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