Separators and centrifuges
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Separators and centrifuges - 1

SYSBIOTECH PROCESS LINE EQUIPMENT – INDUSTRIAL BIOPROCESSING SEPARATORS AND CENTRIFUGES 1/ Overview SYSBIOTECH range of separators and centrifuges allow for maximum flexibility, reliable performance and efficiency of use with your fluid clarification and/or solids-liquid separation. It is a perfect fit for your continuous or batch application even when minimum utilities and/or space is available. 2/ Meeting the standards Equipment hardware, software and functional quality of operations meet the requirements and standards for use in the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical Industries. 3/ C-BIO2TM control system New operator and control platform provides enhanced functionality and process control options as well as full integration and connectivity to SYSBIOTECH Process Line equipment and 3rd party (equipment) supervisory software. 4/ Customization Our engineering capabilities allow for customization of the system configuration, in order to perfectly fit your application-specific requirements. Our technical sale support specialists are happy to support you with configuring the system that satisfies your needs. Separator with continuous solids discharge. Capacity up to 2000 L/h. Most commonly used technologies for fluid clarification and solids-liquid separation are centrifugation and filtration. In comparison, the use of centrifugation allows for the following benefits: o Economical operation – no cost associated with filtration membranes, media or other expensive consumables. o Efficient separation – high yield and minimum product waste of centrifuge separated solids and liquid which are both completely harvested, no need for elution or wash-out of remaining product at the end of the operation. o Minimizing clean-room space needed – occupying the same floor or bench space, centrifuges process many times more product than filtration systems. o Consistent performance – after cleaning and sterilization the equipment is ready for use as it was for the first time, operating automatically and consistently with minimum to none batch-to-batch variation. With centrifugation there is no need for multiple copies of columns in order to support daily operations. o Minimum risk and high process quality – with centrifugation there is no risk associated with clogging of filters or packed media, media regeneration, process quality degradation over time, membrane aging and column and connection leaking. o Robust construction – product contact materials are carefully selected and in compliance with Industry requirement and standards. The fluid path is typically made of stainless steel components, with high resistance to cleaning chemicals and high temperature. CEPA LE lab-scale centrifuge SYSBIOTECH offers a broad range of 3rd party centrifuges and separators that can be customized and combined with other SYSBIOTECH fluid handling and harvesting equipment, fermenters and bioreactors, C-BIO2™ process controller, CIP/SIP functionality, Industry standard filter holders, piping, pumps, valves, sensors and (aseptic) connectors to allow for a cost-effective solution that fits your specific application

Separators and centrifuges - 2

C-BIO2TM separator main screen O Biomass harvesting O Process liquids clarifying O Liquid products separation O Human blood fractionation O Animal blood processing O Bioremediation O Processing of granular, crystalline and fibrous suspensions O Separation of filterable and non-filterable sludges



  1. Complex projects

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  2. CIP-stations

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  3. Control system

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  5. Company overview

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