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SGT-750 - 1

Power generation: 39.8 MW(e) Mechanical drive: 41 MW Gross efficiency Heat rate Turbine speed Pressure ratio Exhaust mass flow Exhaust temperature 439° C (821°F) NOTE: All performance values are based on standard design, ISO ambient conditions and natural gas fuel. Siemens Energy is a tradem


Siemens Energy - Power and heat generationのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. SGT-2000E

    1 ページ

  2. SGT6-5000F

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  3. SGT-8000H series

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  4. SGT-9000HL

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  5. Omnivise T3000

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  6. SGT-700

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  7. SGT-600

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  8. SGT-100

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  9. Gas engines

    19 ページ

  10. Control Monitoring

    6 ページ

  11. Brochure 89556

    2 ページ

  12. Brochure 89555

    4 ページ