Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0
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Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 1

SICAM – Power Quality and Measurements Published by and copyright © 2014: SIEMENS AG Energy Management Energy Automation Products Humboldtstr.59 90459 Nuremberg, Germany www.siemens.com/powerquality All rights reserved. If not stated otherwise on the individual pages of this catalog, we reserve the right to include modifications, especially regarding the stated values, dimensions and weights. Drawings are not binding. All product designations used are trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or other suppliers. lf not stated otherwise, all dimensions in this catalog are given in mm / inch. Subject to change without prior notice. The information in this document contains general descriptions of the technical options available, which may not apply in all cases. The required technical options should therefore be specified in the contract. For all products using security features of OpenSSL the following shall apply: This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (www.openssl.org). This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). Power Quality devices for all applications For more information, please contact our Customer Support Center. (Charges depending on the provider) E-mail: support.energy@siemens.com SICAM – Power Quality and Measurements Printed on elementary chlorine-free bleached paper.

Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 2

Legal Notice CE conformity This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Council Directive 2004 / 108 / EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-Voltage Directive 2006 / 95 / EC). This conformity has been established by means of tests conducted by Siemens AG according to the Council Directive in agreement with the generic standards EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4 for the EMC directives, and with the standard EN...

Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 3

Contents SICAM – Power Quality and Measurements Power quality – Smart Grids Product overview: Devices, applications, products Energy Automation Catalog SR 10 · Edition 4 Products 2. Power Meter Invalid: Previous documents 3. Digital Measurement Transducer 3/1 to 3/8 4. Power Quality Recorder 4/1 to 4/8 5. Fault Recorder SIPROTEC – see SIPROTEC 5 Catalog 6. Fault Record and Power Quality Analysis System SICAM PQS and SICAM PQ Analyzer 7. Wide Area Monitoring with PMU SIGUARD PDP The products and systems described in this catalog are manufactured and sold according to a certified management...

Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 4

Introduction Power quality – Smart Grids Make power quality visible – Smart grids always with power quality Electrical power is becoming more important as an energy resource. The global demand for electrical energy is increasing day per day in the same time electrical power supply systems are facing new challenges. The increasing infeed of renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, hydro, and increasing demand of energy efficiency actions in order to meet environmental protection regulations, e.g. CO2 reduction, in combination with regional power supply systems of different utilities...

Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 5

Introduction Power quality – Smart Grids of the electrical power by influencing the waveform, the frequency or the voltage magnitude, which has subsequently an impact on the connected equipment. In worst case, a poor power quality can lead to a system malfunction. Power quality effects are mainly common or mainly produced through large loads (e.g. industrial applications) and / or changings of actual power system status (e.g. switching operations) as well as due to external influences (e.g. lightning). Power quality standards (e.g. EN 50160) are used to define the limits of the electrical...

Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 6

Introduction Product overview Configuration and Online View Data Analysis and Reporting Monitoring Unit Basic Measurement Measuring Transducer Power Meter Main Functions V, I, f, P, Q, S, energy, phase angle, cosφ Accuracy % (V, I) Programmable limit values Harmonics Min-, Max, Mean values Power Quality IEC 61000-4-30 EN 50160 Power Quality Data Waveform recording (see device specifications) Loud profile Transient capture Mean values Averaging intervals Sampling rate Recorders Limit Violation / Notification Mass storage 1 MB AC analog inputs (V / I) Binary outputs 2 + 6 (opt. with SICAM...

Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 7

Introduction Product overview Power Meter Power Meter and PQ Recorder Web Browser / SICAM PQS /  SICAM PQ Analyzer / SENTRON powermanager SICAM Q80 Manager /  SICAM PQS / SICAM PQ Analyzer Measurements, Mean values, PQ Data, Events and Waveforms Measurements, Mean values, PQ Data and Waveforms SICAM – Power Quality and Measurements · Siemens SR 10 · Edition 4 1/7

Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 8

Introduction Product overview 1 SICAM Q100 Power Meter and PQ Recorder Main Functions SIPROTEC 7KE85 Fault Recorder opt. PMU and PQ Recorder switch panel, flush-, surface mounting Degree of protection Configuration and Online View Web Browser / SICAM PQS / SICAM PQ Analyzer / SENTRON powermanager* DIGSI 5 / SICAM PQS / SICAM PQ Analyzer Data Analysis and Reporting Basic Measurement V, I, f, P, Q, S, energy, phase angle, cosφ Accuracy % (V, I) Programmable limit values Harmonics Mean values EN 50160 Power Quality Data Flicker IEC 61000-4-15 Waveform recording (see device specifications) Loud...

Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 9

Power Quality devices for all applications SICAM P50 / P55 Power Meter

Power Quality and Measurements Product Catalog SR 10 V1.0 - 10

Contents – SICAM P50 / P55 Page Function overview Measured values and tolerances Description of I / O modules Configuration software Typical terminal assignments Technical data Dimension drawings Selection and ordering data 7 The products and systems described in this catalog are manufactured and sold according to a certified management system (acc. to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001). 8 2/2 SICAM – Power Quality and Measurements · Siemens SR 10 · Edition 4


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