PVDF abd Hp-Pvdf pipe fitting flange
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PVDF abd Hp-Pvdf pipe fitting flange - 1

??? 1 table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:39.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:4.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:5.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:8.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:9.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:18.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } PVDF and HP-PVDF PIPES/FITTING/FLANGE PRODUCTS ARE GOOD AT CORRSION/ CHEMICAL RESISTANCE. * . Si SHIE YU MACHINE PARTS INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. «fis)/ ^*HiS*SaS«îS336-16!« HEAD OFFICE No.336-16 Hai pin Rd.. Crlng Shui ChenTalcfiungTaiwan ROC. Tel:886-4-2626 6926(«SH> Fax:886-4-2626 7169 886-4-2627 3892 E-mail:sale02@3hvalve corn (w hltpiWwww.shieyu-valve.com.tw tsit» fi si / estiiiAaazs382a TAIPEI OFFICE No.382 Pa-o» Rd. Sec. ?.. TaipelTahvan ROC. Tel:886-2-2778 2186 Fax:886-2-2711 0218 886-2-2731 8358 E-maH:avco@m831 .bint ne1 » a » fi ai / nsH*»UB«S7✯=ffi-» KAOHSUNG OFFICE No.t. Chu4<wang 2" Street Ta-Fa InduKral Parx KaohskjnoTaiwan R.O.C. Tal:886-7-788 8678 Fax:886-7-787 7869 e m a s =1 / 3««aim<&t««sn583t KUNSHAN OFFICE No.168 Chen Kung Rd.. Cnenpel Kunshan City Jlangsu Province China Tel:86-S12-5777 5286 Fax:86-512-6777 5289 ^^00^E-mail:shie-yu@far-eaBt.n81 THE HI-TECH'S, HI-QUALITLY'S PROUDCTS RANG

PVDF abd Hp-Pvdf pipe fitting flange - 2

??? 1 table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:4.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:55.50pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:5.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:7.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:9.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } as) ««««ծsshsb» snsnn ■ m*m S3Տ7»1972$ -fiկMtil»!* B?BSfi*I8 fi: ±BIII246>.'*«B땯BBJSaaiSO9001Bffl cSHditSBSSiNSFlSB 3B!fflBS«*9WCNS iEɥ«eeasca57BK»s*iieti« spp-h  PV0FSfiiECSg»BS«lffllSS*HP-PP. hp-pvdf  Kftaan ■ INNOVATION AND R&D We...

PVDF abd Hp-Pvdf pipe fitting flange - 3

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PVDF abd Hp-Pvdf pipe fitting flange - 4

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PVDF abd Hp-Pvdf pipe fitting flange - 27

table.main {} tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:5.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:15.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:12.00pt "Georgia", serif; } .font6 { font:7.00pt "Impact", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:7.00pt "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } fffp PVDF/PVDF(FRP COATED] PVDF/PVDF(FRP COATED Non-contact heating l੩ment butt welding :IR-infrared welding MATERIAL SPECIFIC PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ©Non-contact...

PVDF abd Hp-Pvdf pipe fitting flange - 28

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