MS33 series 485 Communication Series Barometer Wiring Definition and MODBUS Protocol
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MS33 series 485 Communication Series Barometer Wiring Definition and MODBUS Protocol - 1

485CommunicationPressureGague MODBUSProtocolAndWiringInstructions Brown12~24VDCBlue :0V White 485A D+ Orange 485B D-BlackDigitalswitchingoutput Data CRC Address Funtion DataFormat 8bit 8bit n*2*8 bit 16bit SingleFrame Thedefaultbaudrateis19200,with1startbit,8databits,2stopbits,andnoparitybit. TheaddressofPressureGaguecanbeadjustedfrom1to247,withadefaultvalueof18(hexadecimal12H). Format FunctionCode RegisterAddressDescription: Corresponding Pressurevalue (Followscreendisplay) Normallyopenand normallyclosed settingvalue Read /write PressureSwitch Ontologysettings - 101.0kPa~out1_up_value 0~2 Correspondingto EASY,HYS,WCMP 0~3 Correspondingto R_ON,G_ON,RED,GREEN LO - 1 MENUmode: OUT1 MENUmode: COLO UNIT MENUmode: Longpressthe upanddownkeys for3seconds

MS33 series 485 Communication Series Barometer Wiring Definition and MODBUS Protocol - 2

03HCommandExample Hostsend DriveAddress FunctionCode High-order Low-order High-order Low-order Low-order High-order Pressureswitchreturn DriveAddress 12H FunctionCode 03H DataQuantity 04H High-order 00H Data1 Low-order 00H High-order 00H Data2 Low-order 00H Low-order D8H CRC High-order F2H High-order Low-order High-order Low-order Low-order High-order Pressureswitchreturn DriveAddress 12H FunctionCode 04H DataQuantity 02H High-order 00H Data1 Low-order 00H Low-order 3CH CRC High-order F3H High-order Low-order High-order Low-order Low-order High-order Pressureswitchreturn DriveAddress 12H...



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