RM6 Catalogue
1 / 76ページ


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Medium Voltage Distribution Ring Main Unit Make the most of your energy

RM6 Catalogue - 3

Network remote control 39

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Experience of a world leader 8

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Medium Voltage power distribution needs, The RM6 is a compact unit combining all MV functional units to enable connection, supply and protection of transformers on an open ring or radial network: ■ by a circuit breaker with protection unit, up to 8000 kVA. The switchgear and busbars are enclosed in a gas-tight chamber, filled with SF6

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A complete range, enabling you to equip Operating a distribution network sometimes requires switching points in addition MV network points and enhance '° 'ne HV/MV substations, in order to limit the effect of a fault on the network. electrical power dependability. The RM6 offers a choice of solutions to make 2,3 or 4 directional ■ with line protection by 630 A circuit breakers ■ with network switching by switch-disconnectors ■ with integrated power supply telecontrol devices. HV/MV substation HV/MV substation

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Range advantages Choosing RM6 offers you the experience The choice for your peace mind of a world leader in the field TU „„„ u „ c The new RM6 generation benefits from the accumulated experience acquired from Of Ring Mam Units. tne -i rjOO.OOO functional units that equip electrical networks in more than 50 countries in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Australasia. With 20 local production units around the world, Schneider Electric offer products can be made available to you in the shortest possible time. Ring Main Unit, long experience 1983: marketing launch of the first RM6 compact with...

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Range advantages Compact and scalable, the RM6 range covers all of your requirements RM6 Medium Voltage switchgear cubicles are perfectly suited for very simple ■ Choice of "all In one" units integrated in a single metal enclosure ■ Cubicles insensitive to climatic conditions ■ Quick installation through floor fixing with four bolts and front cable connection. Just as compact and insensitive to climatic conditions the extensible RM6 is modular to suit your requirements. The addition of functional unit modules, allows you to build the Medium Voltage switchboard suited to your requirements....

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Experience of a world leader Main references Asia/Middle East ■ Tianjin Taifeng Industrial Park, China ■ China Steel Corporation, Taiwan ■ SCECO/SEC, Saudi Arabia South America/Pacific ■ CELESC, Santa Catarina, Brazil ■ PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ■ Guarulhos International Airport ■ CEMIG, Minas Gérais, Brazil ■ Métro de Mexico, Mexico ■ Channel tunnel, France ■ Compagnie Vaudoise d'électricité ■ Union Fenosa, Spain ■ Oslo Energie, Norway ■ London Electricity, United Kingdom ■ United Energy, Australia

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The Schneider Electric's recycling procedure The Schneider Electric's recycling procedure forSF6 based products is subject to rigorous management, and allows each device to be traced through to its final destruction Schneider Electric is committed to a long term environmental approach. As part of this, the RM6 range has been designed to be environmentally friendly, notably in terms of the product's recycleability. The materials used, both conductors and insulators, are identified and easily At the end of its life, RM6can be processed, recycled and its materials recovered in conformity with...

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Quality - Standards RM6 is designed in accordance with the following standards: General operation conditions for indoor switchgears IEC 62271-1 (common specifications for high voltage switchgear and controlgear) ■ Ambient temperature: class -25°C indoor □ lower than or equal to 40°C without derating □ lower than or equal to 35°C on 24 hours average without derating □ greater than or equal to -25°C. □ lower than or equal to 1000 m □ above 1000 m, and up to 2000 m with directed field connectors □ greater than 2000 m: please consult us for specific precaution. IEC 62271-200 (A.C. metal...

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A wide choice of functions 16

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RM6 switchgear comprises 1 to 4 integrated, low dimension functional units. This self-contained, totally insulated unit comprises: ■ a stainless steel, gas-tight metal enclosure, sealed for life, which groups together the live parts, switch-disconnector, earthing switch, fuse switch or the circuit breaker ■ one to four cable compartments with interfaces for connection to the network ■ an electrical operating mechanism cabinet ■ a fuse chamber compartment for fused switch-disconnectors or fuse switches. The performance characteristics obtained by the RM6 meet the definition of a "sealed...

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Switch-disconnectors and circuit breakers have similar architecture: ■ a moving contact assembly with 3 stable positions (closed, open and earthed) moves vertically (see sketch). Its design makes simultaneous closing of the switch or circuit breaker and the earthing switch impossible. ■ the earthing switch has a short-circuit making capacity, as required ■ the RM6 combines both the isolating and interrupting function. ■ the earth collector has the correct dimensions for the network. ■ access to the cable compartment can be interlocked with the earthing switch and/ or the switch or circuit...

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Operating safety Cable insulation test In order to test cable insulation or look for faults, it is possible to injecta direct current of up to 42 kVdc for 15 minutes through the cables via the RM6, without disconnecting the connecting devices. The earthing switch is closed and the moving earthing connection is opened in order to inject the voltage via the "earthing covers". This system, a built-in feature ofthe RM6, requires the use of injection fingers (supplied asan option). Voltage indicator lamps A device (supplied as an option) on all functional units makes it possible to check the...

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RM6 Marine: benefits of the MV loop adapted to the boat The RM6 has the DNV type approval certificate for Marine applications. A MV loop configuration offers significant advantages: ■ main MV switchboard smaller (only two cells to feed a MV loop) ■ length of MV cables reduced (shortening average ratio > 30% for the configuration) ■ the maintainability and availability of the network are also improved. ■ a failed cable section on the MV loop can be disconnected ■ an automatic reconfiguration of the MV loop after a fault detection ■ If RM6 is equipped with special "filter" LRU (internal, arc...


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