グループ: Shuanglong Group Co., Ltd.


SHUANGLONG GROUP mu • Msim st n= i»ni*ifrftgEftflifl»UEg>]fta299j ADO No.299 Delixi Rood. Narwiong Industrkjl Development Zone. Jiadng District. Shanghai._ % iS (TEL): 0086-21-69178818 69178808 69178817 ft B(FAX): 0086-21-69178807 HS(P.C.): 201802 H Jt (WEB): nww.ctilna-mlxer.com 9 fit (E-mail): mtO'Bchina-mixer.com nrEnn nmemSHUANGL0NG GROUP CO..LTD.. Whir. m.
From 1 to 400 mVh throughfecd performance with a mixer chamber volume of 230 to 2,100 litres. In corresponding high-quality stainless or special steels. Individually adjustable mixer tools make possible a variable residence time of the product in the mixer chamber. Installation horizontal or at a pitch of up to 45°. Low operating costs through robust construction. Control flaps over the whole mixing length for cleaning and maintenance. Emptying efficiency >98% depending on the design and mixer tools. ftigvh IS Operation: In the inlet area the continuously fed product is taken up and...
カタログの3ページ目を開くS&L Group Co.のすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
LDH Series
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DSH Series
2 ページ
GPH Series
2 ページ
WLDH Series
2 ページ
WZ Series
2 ページ
LHJ Series
10 ページ