122, Chemin de la Cavée - 78630 Orgeval • contact@polydispensing.com • Tel :
カタログの1ページ目を開くDATA SHEET POLY DISPENSING SYSTEMS has a complete, fast and efficient knowledge for ready-touse robotic dispensing solutions. Our robots provide our customers with a competitive advantage by increasing quality and productivity in their manufacturing process. Our cartesian robots are available in 3 or 4 axes and have displacement capacities going from 200 to 700mm. These robots are perfectly designed to be integrated into a production line. It can be associated with the appropriate dispensing system and can perform several types of applications: dots, lines, potting, filling, underfilling,...
カタログの2ページ目を開くPoly Dispensing Systems PDS S.A.S is a french company that commercializes a wide range of dosage equipments, proven and effective. Distributed in over 20 countries around the world, these equipements provide tailored solutions to many users in order to improve technically their manufacturing and reduce their productions costs. Our collaborators and sales engineers have strong technical competences. They are able to answer your questions and offer you, after analysis, the right solution for your particular need. FRANCE - SUISSE AFRIQUE DU NORD Poly Dispensing Systems 122, Chemin de la Cavée...
P.MIX 100
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PreciFluid Easy
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