piCHIP - Simplify integration
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piCHIP - Simplify integration - 2

piCHIP Simplify integration Simplifying your integration The piCHIP is small, lightweight and with all connections on one side makes for a simple installation. Make your own manifold In a short time, you have created your own vacuum manifold. COAX® The world’s most efficient vacuum cartridge is used in piCHIP. Fits everywhere Double your capacity with the same footprint. Technical information Optimum feed pressure Max vacuum flow, range Evacuation time -50 kPa [-15 -inHg], range s/l [s/cf] High vacuum flow Extra vacuum level Extra high vacuum flow (micro) No need to compromise www.piab.com



  1. piFLOW®

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  2. Piab Company

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    24 ページ

  4. piCOBOT®

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  5. piSOFTGRIP®

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  6. piSMART® Poster

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  7. Vacuum Automation

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  8. Feed Points

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  9. XLF

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  10. piGRIP®

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  11. piINLINE®

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  12. piPUMP

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  13. piSAVE optimize

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  14. VACUUM PUMPS P6010

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  1. piLEAN

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  2. Conveyors C56

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  3. Conveyors C33

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  4. Conveyors C21

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  5. PIAB Vacuum Academy

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  6. Suction cups

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  7. Vacuum pumps

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  8. Whole catalogue

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