OSV Metering and mixing machines
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OSV Metering and mixing machines - 1

Catalogue 2019 Metering and mixing equipment for processing polymeric and composite materials Каталог оборудования для дозирования и смешивания полимер

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 2

Dear colleagues. In this catalogue we show the most interes ng and important projects in the field of design and manufacture of metering and mixing OSV machines. В этом каталоге представлены самые интересные и важные проекты, связанные с разработкой и производством оборудования OSV для дозирования и смешивания. Since December 2006 when our engineers assembled the first machine for processing of two-components polyurethane compound we have produced a few hundreds of cas ng machines for a number of applica ons. С тех пор, как в декабре 2006 года инженеры ОСВ Технологии собрали первую машину...

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 3

SmartLab R&D and Lab metering machine Дозирующая установка для лабораторных применений OSV SmartLab specially designed for automatic metering, mixing and pouring a range of three components polyurethane elastomers based on MDI such for R&D and lab applications. OSV SmartLab has a lot of basic options which allow fully automatized metering and mixing of all components of the PU system in order to get high performance parts made by casting into open and closed molds. It’s dimensions, weight, and compact table desk format allows to successfully use it for development and testing quasi MDI PU...

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 4

Combi Equipment for engineering stone manufacturing Технологический комплекс для производства искусственного камня Combi is the complex of technological equipment for manufacturing of products consisting of mineral fillers and liquid binders. The equipment allows adjusting the dosage of fillers of different fractions and colors, as well as controlling the ratio of minerals and binder - polyurethanes, epoxy and polyester resins. This technology enables to produce a wide range of composite products - washstands, reception desks, tabletops, steps and window sills, items of engineering purposes...

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 5

Low pressure machine for PU foams and elastomers casting S400 Is a new generation of multi-function metering and mixing equipment able to work with polyurethane foams and elastomers, siliocne rubbers, and epoxy resins. In number of applications S400 is a part of productions lines such as automotive fifilters, souvenirs, abrasive tods,etc. Modular design of the machine allows to update it’s basic confifiguration in order to encrease range of it’s parameters such as output, heating temperature, dynamic or static mixing, etc. S400 — это новое поколение многофункциональных устройств для...

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 6

Compact metering and mixing machine Компактная установка для дозирования и смешивания The ‘best ever seller’. Compact table top device able to work with wide range of RTV materials both polyurethanes, silicones, epoxies, and adhesives — it’s all about Mini AB. Designed and built in 2008 for R&D lab it has found a number for commerdal applica ons — decor, souvenirs, engineering parts, architecture, moulds, prototyping, etc, etc., etc. Cost e ec ve solu on, light and small device is a kind of pass to the polymers’ world for beginners and at the same me reliable tool for experienced users....

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 7

Metering and mixing machine for cas ng of PU elastomers Установка для дозирования и смешивания ПУ эластомеров M5 2K is designed for automa c metering, mixing and cas ng of polyurethane elastomers based on TDI. The machine is equipped with a wide range of basic opons, which allow to automate the metering and mixing of components of polyurethane systems as well as to get the end products of high quality by free cas ng into the open and closed mould. M5 2K предназначена для автоматического дозирования, смешивания и заливки полиуретановых эластомеров на основе ТDI. Установка оснащена широким...

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 8

M5 3K Metering and mixing machine for high performance PU elastomers ycTaHOBKa pj\f\ fl03npoBaHHfl h CMewM BaHHB fly anacTOMepoB M5 3K is from the range of machines for processing of MDI high performance polyurethane elastomers. Available in two and three components version it allows to work with almost all grades of hot casted polyurethanes. Basic version could be equipped with a number of options, such as pigments, agitators, control devices, etc. Each machine ever produced has been designed in accordance to the specifific demands of our clients. M5 3K npeflHa3Ha4eHa pjia nepepa6oTKM...

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 9

H40 is from a brand new Series of high pressure metering and mixing machines for processing of the wide range of PU foams — rigid, flflexible, and integral skin. Equipped with DUT Korea mixing heads H Series machinescould be built to fifit any technical specifification. H Series machines are used as a sole casting station or as a part ofproduction line in the range of applications such as sandwichpanels, doors, furniture, architecture, engineering parts, etc. ycraHOBKa H40 npHHafl/iewnT k HOBOMy ce/weMCTBy 3a/in-BOHHblX MaiiJMH BblCOKOTO flaB/ieHMfl, npeflHa3HaHeHHbix pr\f\ pa6oTbi c...

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 10

L3000 is a mufti-task produrtion line, which provides solu on for three things — metal sheets, pipes, and rolls lining. Originally it has been developed for repairing of seeds transferring system but some next applications were in other industries such as printing rolls, water transferring, mining industry, etc. L3000 could be equipped with different kind of mixing and metering machine depends on kind of PU raw material, which used for lining. Made with MiniTec modular transferring system L3000 could be fast upgraded for bigger dimensions of the casted pieces. L3000 — 3to MHOro3a,a,aHHafi...

OSV Metering and mixing machines - 11

Technological line OSV S400 G is used for automatic contour casting of the sealing, made from flflexible polyurethanes foams, on the surface of the parts with difffferent confifigurations (technology FIPFG -Formed-In-Place-Flexible-Gaskets). Operational concepts of the technological line are follows: 3. Applying of polyurethane foam on a given route TexHO/iornHecKaB /ihhhb OSV S400 G npeflHa3HaneHa fl/ia aBTOMaTunecKoro KornypHoro HaHeceHna yn/iOTHme/ia va anacTMHHbix neHono/ikiypeTaHOB Ha noBepxHOdb fleia/ieM pa3/iHHH0ii KOHcJjMrypauMM (TexHO/iorna FIPFG —...



  1. OSV

    26 ページ

  2. OSV S400

    7 ページ