
1.1.2 Thermal Power Sensors Low Noise Lock In Power Sensors RM9 interface module with synch connection Features ֺ ֺ Chopper and lock in amplifier for lowest noise and drift ֺ ֺ Wavelength range from UV to deep IR ֺ ֺ RM9 pyro is not sensitive to background radiation From source The RM9 series Radiometers use a pyroelectric or photodiode sensor in conjunction with chopped CW or quasi CW radiation, using a digitally synthesized lock-in amplifier to reduce external noise to a minimum. The signal is passed through the 18Hz chopper and the chopped signal is detected by the sensor. All signals not at this 18Hz frequency are suppressed. The output of the sensor is displayed on a standard Ophir meter or PC interface. The chopper may be placed at any convenient location but preferably close to the signal source so as to eliminate interference from all unchopped radiation. Very low level signals Model RM9 RM9-PD Absorber Type Pyroelectric Si Photodiode 0.2 - 1.1 (b) Spectral Range µm 0.15 - 12 (a) Aperture mm Ø8mm Ø8mm Surface Reflectivity % approx. 50 50 100nW – 100mW 300fW – 300nW Power Range (c) Power Scales 100mW to 3µW 300nW to 3pW ~30nW 30fW Power Noise Level (d) Minimum Frequency for Pulsed Sources 200Hz 200Hz ~30nW N.A. 62 Thermal Drift (20min) (e) 8 ±5% (b) Power Accuracy ±5% (a) Damage Threshold W/cm² 5 5 Response Time with Display (0-95%) s 3.5 3.6 7.5 Linearity with Power ±2% ±2.5% Connections: ADJUSTABLE 1. 1.5 meter cable hard wired to interface module. 90-139 2. BNC connector on module for connection to chopper (2 meter3BNC to BNC cable 0° included). Perform zeroing with BNC cable removed. 3. 0.5 meter cable from module terminated in DB15 connector. Cooling convection convection Weight kg 0.37 100 0.37 Version Part Number for RM9/RM9-PD with RMC1 7Y70669 7Y70672 Chopper (f) Part Number for RM9/RM9-PD Sensor 7Z02952 7Z02953 Interface Module 0.5M cable to smart connector 1.5M cable to sensor 1/4-20 BSW x 6 deep Mounting Thread 1/4-20 BSW x 6 deep Mounting Thread Notes: (a) not adjustable by user. 1/4-20 BSW x 6 deep Mounting Thread Aperture Chopping frequency (a) Power consumption Connections: 1. BNC to interface module 2. 12V wall cube power supply (included) 3. Mini USB connector (factory use only) 19.5 1/4-20 BSW x 6 deep Mounting Thread Notes: (a) At calibrated wavelengths 500 – 1100nm. At other wavelengths, there is an additional error as follows: <500nm add ±8%, 1100 – 3000nm add ±5%, 10.6µm add ±15% Notes: (b) At calibrated wavelengths 200 – 1100nm. For <700nm add ±2% additional error Notes: (c) For LaserStar, Pulsar, USBI, Quasar and Nova/Orion, upper limit is 1mW for RM9 and 90nW for RM9-PD. For these models, accuracy may also be less than values given above Notes: (d) Averaged over 10s Notes: (e) In a typical laboratory environment Notes: (f ) The RMC1 or another chopper unit that can be set to 18Hz is required for operation of the RM9 sensors For latest updates please visit our website: www.ophiropt.co
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