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MSS - 1

54 OMEGA AIR: Compressed Air and Gas Treatment 1 to 3)6 bar steam pressure 100 °cto135 °c steam operating temperature up to 90 min sterilisation time up to 90 min drying time DESCRIPTION Compressed air piping with high temperature and humidity is a suitable environment for microbial growth. In order to stop microbial activity, filters have to be sterilized. Sterilization can be done in place or in the autoclave. To perform autoclave, sterilization filters need to be removed from the system and due to septic conditions in the atmosphere it is difficult to prevent contamination during re-assembly of the installation. Sterilization in place (SIP) ensures much better results and is more common in the process industry. Steam sterilization is an effective method to stop microbial activity. "Mobile Steam Sterilizer" is designed for easier, cheaper and faster SIP. MSS can be easily connected to any part of installation where sterilization is required. After filter sterilization is completed MSS can simply be disconnected and transported to another location. APPLICATIONS • Food industry • Wine production • Dairies • Small breweries

MSS - 2

INSTALLATION OF CONVENTIONAL STERILIZATION Scheme of a conventional sterilization in place system. All the equipment surrounded by red line is required to perform sterilization of the filter housing in the upper right corner. Such a fixed steam distribution line connects steam generator to every filter. Sterile INSTALLATION OF MSS ON STERILE FILTER Scheme of a new Mobile Steam Sterilizer connected to a filter. After sterilization cycle is completed flexible hose for steam distribution is disconnected from the filter and complete sterilizer (equipment outlined by a red frame) can be moved...


OMEGA AIR d.o.o. Ljubljanaのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット


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    12 ページ

  4. CO2-R-DRY series

    2 ページ

  5. ACW series

    1 ページ

  6. ACA series

    1 ページ

  7. RDHP series

    2 ページ

  8. RDF

    2 ページ

  9. RDL series

    2 ページ

  10. RDP series

    2 ページ

  11. M-DRY series

    2 ページ

  12. HP-DRY series

    2 ページ

  13. R-DRY BVL series

    2 ページ

  14. R-DRY BP series

    2 ページ

  15. COM-DRY series

    2 ページ

  16. X-DRY series

    2 ページ

  17. A-DRY TAC

    2 ページ

  18. A-DRY BI+BM series

    2 ページ

  19. PV

    2 ページ

  20. OCI

    1 ページ

  21. CKL-IHP series

    2 ページ

  22. SF series

    2 ページ

  23. WFIW series

    2 ページ

  24. MDH 400

    1 ページ

  25. CHI

    1 ページ

  26. VPG 60

    1 ページ

  27. TD 400M series

    1 ページ

  28. AOK 50SS

    1 ページ

  29. EVD series

    1 ページ

  30. RC-DRY series

    2 ページ

  31. HPR-DRY series

    2 ページ

  32. TAC HP series

    2 ページ

  33. A-CAT series

    2 ページ

  34. SFH HP

    2 ページ

  35. TP PED series

    2 ページ

  36. TP ASME series

    1 ページ

  37. TP series

    1 ページ

  38. BS TOWER

    1 ページ


    1 ページ

  40. AWS

    1 ページ

  41. BS 12-3,5

    1 ページ

  42. AIRWATT series

    2 ページ

  43. B-AIR plus series

    2 ページ

  44. OWT

    2 ページ

  45. OWE/HWE

    2 ページ

  46. OWB

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  48. ECD-B series

    2 ページ

  49. MDHI 50

    1 ページ

  50. BF series

    2 ページ

  51. HPF series

    2 ページ

  52. IHP series

    2 ページ

  53. PF series

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  54. EPG 60

    1 ページ

  55. MDM40

    1 ページ

  56. OCI

    1 ページ

  57. AV series

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  58. SPF series

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  59. CS /CS SS series

    2 ページ

  60. SFH /SFH SS series

    2 ページ

  61. CKL-CHP series

    2 ページ

  62. MDM60

    1 ページ

  63. MDH

    1 ページ

  64. SORBEO Adsorbents

    2 ページ


  1. Biogas plants

    8 ページ