
CC LINEAR ACTUATORS CC Linear Actuators are ball screw linear actuators that provide a high performance and accurate positioning solution. These high-quality actuators feature: ٕ Durable construction Dependable performance Օ Long-life operation High repeatability Օ Operation in either compression or tension loading applications Adjustable limit switches Օ Lifetime lubrication Mechanical overload protection Օ Corrosion resistant exterior surfaces COMMON APPLICATIONS Telecommunications Օ Architectural Automation Medical and Hospital Equipment Օ Semiconductor Food Processing Օ Farm Equipment Satellite Dish and Antenna Positioning STANDARD TRAVELS 4", 12", 18", 24" or 36" DUTY CYCLE 30%, max Փon-time of 5 minutes at rated load TEMPERATURE RATING Operating temperature range is-30 F to +160 F > Й ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION CLASS > The specifications and data in this publication are believed to be accurate and reliable. However, it is the responsibility of the product user to determine the suitability of Nook Industries products for a specific application. While defective products will be replaced without charge if promptly returned, no liability is assumed beyond such replacement. size="-3">
CCٙ LINEAR ACTUATORS > CC LINEAR ACTUATORS CLUTCH BRAKE BOOT The CC Linear Actuator gear head offers a heavy-duty clutch that pro- tects the gears and components in the event of overload or overtravel. The load sensitive brake maintains the actuators position when at rest, without consuming power. An optional boot keeps the actuator tube free of contaminates. > CC LINEAR ACTUATORS TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION LIMIT SWITCH BALL SCREW KEYED The screw type limit switch offers precise positioning for travels up to 36 inches. The design of this switch allows the user to easily set limits at both ends...
カタログの2ページ目を開くNOOK INDUSTRIESのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
Linear Motion Products
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Product Overview
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Bevel Gear Screw Jack
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Modular Linear Actuator
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Linear Guidance
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Precision Linear Actuator
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Worm Gear Screw Jack
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Precision Screw
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Planetary roller screw
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Lead screw assemblies
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