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Control Systems DEVICENET™ SERIAL GATEWAYS The ToolLink gateways connect RS232-based equipment directly to a DeviceNet industrial network. The ToolLink gateways offer streamlined functionality to simplify out-of-box configuration and run-time operation in DeviceNet applications. The ToolLink gateways are powered directly from the isolated DeviceNet interface. The ToolLink CDN466 contains an RS232 port. The serial interface is buffered for full-duplex operation, supporting user-selectable data rates, parity, and hardware or software flow control. Their EDS file contains all the information required to configure over DeviceNet, using standard network configuration software programs. Several example PLC programs are available to simplify application development. Features & Benefits • Quickly connects any serial device to DeviceNet — RS232 model available • Powered directly from DeviceNet 11-28VDC, no external supply required • Fully isolated DeviceNet interface eliminates ground loops • Supports DeviceNet Polled I/O Messaging, allowing for optimized network bandwidth • Fully configurable serial port connects to most any serial device • Selectable delimiters (time-out, fixed length, character string) for framing received message packets • Quicker application development with simplified pass-through messaging Barcode Scanners Vision Systems Weigh Scales Power Supplies Operator Interfaces Message Displays Intelligent Field Sensors & Actuators ASCII Serial Equipment

ToolLink - 2

Type CDN466 (RS232 to DeviceNet) DeviceNet Interface Data Rates MAC ID 125K, 250K, 500K bits-per-second Rotary switch or software selectable 0 to 63 Rotary switch or software selectable Power Supply Loss of Ground Reverse Polarity 11-28VDC, 200mA max. full protection circuitry -30VDC max. DeviceNet Group 2 Only Slave I/O Messaging Input Message Size Output Message Size Polled 4 to 68 bytes (4 overhead, 0 to 64 RX Message data), software selectable 4 to 68 bytes (4 overhead, 0 to 64 TX Message data), software selectable Software selectable data word formats [high/low byte] or [low/high byte]...

ToolLink - 3

STS = Status Byte Bit 7 = RX Buffer Empty Bit 6 = RX Buffer Overflow Bit 5 = RX Parity Error (automatically resets with new RX message) Bit 4 = TX Buffer Empty Bit 3 = TX Buffer Overflow RXC = Receive Message Counter. Gateway increments RXC when new RX Message is in Data field. Transmit Message Acknowledge. Gateway sets TXA equal to TXC after TX Message is transmitted. LENGTH = Number of valid RX Message bytes in the Data field. DATA = CMD = Command Byte Bit 6 = Clear RX Buffer (set bit to clear overflow error) Bit 3 = Clear TX Buffer (set bit to clear overflow error) RXA = Receive Message...

ToolLink - 4

ToolLink CDN466 (RS232 to DeviceNet Gateway) Please contact your local MKS office for price and availability information. Global Headquarters 134 W. Rio Robles Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: 978.645.5500 Tel: 800.227.8766 (in U.S.A.) Web: ToolLink CDN466 - 8/12 © 2008 MKS Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Tech Drive, Suite 201 Andover, MA 01810 MKS products provided subject to the US Export Regulations. Diversion or transfer contrary to US law is prohibited. Specifications are subject to change without notice. mksinst™ and ToolLink™ are trademarks of MKS Instruments,...


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