Manually assisted pneumatic toggle presses with square ram
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Manually assisted pneumatic toggle presses with square ram - 1

Manually assisted pneumatic toggle presses with square ram Manually assisted pneumatic toggle presses Manually assisted toggle presses are used when, due to particular features of the workpiece, both hands cannot be engaged in two-handed operation at the beginning of the working stroke and a large force still has to be achieved at the end of the stroke. With the NP manually assisted pneumatic toggle presses, safe working is possible in such cases. The ram is lowered to the power stroke position using the manual lever and the workpiece is then held by the force of the lever. A sensor registers this position. At the same time, the workpiece can be released and a pushbutton pressed with the second hand which then initiates the power stroke. The power stroke can only be initiated when both hands are engaged. Hence, if the manual lever were released, for example, the ram would be raised by a safety mechanism and the permission for the power stroke in the controller would thus be removed. The length of the pneumatic power stroke of NP manually assisted pneumatic toggle presses and therefore the TDC position can be steplessly adjusted with high precision from 0 mm - 6 mm stroke length using the standard fine adjustment facility. As a result of the special transmission mechanism, a constant power stroke is available over the whole length of the stroke. Stroke adjustment Hubeinstellung 15 kN 10 kN 5 kN Manual feed stroke Pneumatic power stroke 0 kN 0.0 mm 10.0 mm 20.0 mm 30.0 mm 40.0 mm 1.0 mm 2.0 mm 3.0 mm 4.0 mm 5.0 mm 6.0 mm Request GCAD at or directly from Tel.+49 (0) 74 67 - 94 67 - 0

Manually assisted pneumatic toggle presses with square ram - 2

Type Capacity at 6 bar Manual feed stroke Pneumatic power stroke Throat Throat C-frame Daylight Daylight C-frame Table size T-slot width similar to DIN 650 Ram bore Ø x Depth Ram Ø Air connection Air consumption/cm cyl. stroke Space requirement Stand height Weight sesserp elggot citamuenp detsissa yllaunaMManually assisted pneumatic toggle presses NP Series XL-NP Series with 300 mm throat


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  1. ColourLine 2023

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