Secondary standard PRT LSS 500
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Secondary standard PRT LSS 500 - 1

LSS 500 Secondary standard PRT. It is built on a 99.99% pure platinum wire. Temperature range -250 ... 500 °C. It is designed without mechanical stress, it is protected with a ceramic capsule. This platinum pattern probe is specially designed to withstand high thermal shock. Where required for high accuracy. These probes are the perfect complement to LDT 2000 to perform the best calibrations. APPLICATIONs Reference laboratories Calibrations compare Probes pattern for very exact services Precision work in-situ HIGHLIGHTs Temperature range -250 ... 500 °C Excellent precision and long term stability 99.99% pure platinum wire Wide temperature range Low drift Long life General data PT100 sensor accuracy / 4 wire Probe Inconel metal sheath 600 Element ceramic caps protected Free design of mechanical stress Connection cable 2 m Teflon-coated The LSS 500 is supplied with FA DIN 6-pin plug for accuracy indicator LDT 2000 or bare wires with gold plated Carrying case included Tecnical data Temperature range Resistance 0 ºC Measuring current recommended Temperature coefficient Stability Repeteability Dimensions -250 … 500 ºC 25.5 Ω / 100 Ω EN 60751: 2008 class B 1 mA 0.003925 Ω / Ω / ºC R0 typical drift <0.006 ºC after 500 hours at 500 ºC R0 typical drift <0.004 ºC after cycles from -196 to 500 ºC Sheath diameter 6 mm, length sheath 450 mm or L-shaped (Elbow 90 degrees) option


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