IPG Photonics Welding Heads
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IPG Photonics Welding Heads - 1

IPG Photonics Welding Heads from the World L e ade r i n Fi b e r L a s e rs

IPG Photonics Welding Heads - 2

Welding Heads Horizontal Configuration Left Horizontal (L) Camera Arm Sold Separately D-Sub Connector for monitoring cover slide presence, contamination and temperature as well as mirror temp Camera options Camera Mount Digital HD or Digital over Ethernet additional option Dual Locking Connector HLC-8 or LCA bayonet Interchangeable IPG Collimator with integrated aperture/cooling Easy to replace coverslide W e l d P e n e tra tion D e pth a t I nc r e a sing Power L eve l s Standard Features IPG Photonics has revolutionized the welding industry by providing customers with reliable, compact,...

IPG Photonics Welding Heads - 3

Rated up to 10 kW Vertical Configuration Camera Arm Sold Separately Camera Arm Sold Separately Camera Arm Sold Separately Vertical Configuration Vertical Configuration FLW-D85-HP Rated up to 100 kW Vertical Configuration Camera Arm Sold Separately The FLW line of processing heads offers multiple features, including vertical or horizontal configuration, real time contamination monitoring functionality, camera options, fine focus adjustment and wide range of collimator and focus lens options, all packaged in a lightweight form. IPG Welding heads are available with a broad range of accessories...

IPG Photonics Welding Heads - 4

Optional Features Expa n di ng Proc ess C a pa bi l i ties Seam Finder • Seamless integration with IPG welding heads • Utilizes high speed CCD camera and LED strobe illumination to image fast moving parts • Locates seams with <10 um accuracy and sends the new seam location to a stage controller • Provides increased process consistency • Increases productivity through automated adjustment of weld location to match varying seam positions Dual Spot Module • Rated up to 10 kW • Installed between the collimator and core block assembly • 50/50 power distribution for beam separation in the X or Y...

IPG Photonics Welding Heads - 5

Wobble Heads IPG Phot onics’ D30 & D50 Processing H e ads Welding with Wobble IPG’s welding heads are also available with integrated wobble modules. IPG’s Wobble welding heads are designed to provide the highest laser power handling capability in the industry in a completely sealed and lightweight package. These process heads provide effortless integration with IPG lasers and offer improved weld quality and better visual finish. Available in multiple configurations with the broadest focus and collimator lens options, the Wobblers are the ultimate tool to weld a multitude of different material...

IPG Photonics Welding Heads - 6

Welding Accessories with C-mount extension tube to mount camera. Precision image position adjustment Integrated iris Image focus and lock Air Knife with Purge Coaxial Nozzle Integrated purge module provides additional protection for cover slide. Gas assist can be attached to serve as plume suppression. D30 Air Knife / Crossjet: Shield gas is delivered coaxially to the weld site. Telescoping option available. Suppresses weld plume. Can be attached to air knife or directly to head. Can be used to deliver off-axis shield gas to weld site. Suppresses weld plume. Multiple inputs Single Unit:...

IPG Photonics Welding Heads - 7

Welding Head Configurations D30 & D50 A v ailable O ptio ns Configuration Horizontal RHS Horizontal LHS FLW-D30 Horizontal Head 100 mm Collimator 250 mm Focus HLC-8 Fiber Receiver FLW-D50-L Rated up to 10 kW Example: P30-007484-R7K2A: FLW-D50-L Horizontal RHS Head 150 mm Collimator 1000 mm Focus LCA Fiber Receiver Adjustable Collimator FLW-D50-HP Rated up to 50 kW Example: P30-003357-L1D4: FLW-D50-HP Horizontal LHS Head 100 mm Collimator 300 mm Focus HLC-24 Fiber Receiver Example: P30-010282-V2D1: FLW-D85-HP Vertical Head 300 mm Collimator 400 mm Focus HLC-16 Fiber Receiver FLW-D50-S...

IPG Photonics Welding Heads - 8

Sales & Service Development, Sales & Service Manufacturing, Development, Sales & Service World Headquarters Oxford, MA USA +1 508 373 1100 sales.us@ipgphotonics.com European Headquarters Burbach, DE +49 2736 44200 sales.europe@ipgphotonics.com IPG Russia Fryazino, Moscow RU +7 (495) 702 95 89 mail@ntoire-polus.ru South Korea Spain & Portugal Czech Republic United Kingdom & Ireland w w w .i pg p ho to nic s.c o m IPG Photonics manufactures a wide range of laser products with laser classifications ranging from Class I to Class IV. Please review the individual product specification for the...


IPG Photonics Corporation/IPGフォトニクスのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

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