CVD Diamond Substrates
1 / 4ページ


CVD Diamond Substrates - 1

j l'^/y* NFRARED...theworldleaderinCO2laseroptics CVDDIAMONDSUBSTRATES MultiSpectral Laser Optics Dielectric Windows Օ Heat Sinks 888.558.1504(toll-free)72t.352.1504(phone)Օ724.352.4980(fax)

CVD Diamond Substrates - 4

WORLDW I D E S A LE S O F F I C E S www. i i v i i n f r a r e d . c o m INFRARED ...the world leader in CO2 laser optics To place an order, contact a II-VI sales representative at any of the following locations, or log onto for our most complete and up-to-date contact information. II-VI TRADING (SUZHOU) CO. LTD. BLOCK D#01-01/02 NO. 5 XING HANS STREET SUZHOU INDUSTRIAL PARK SUZHOU, CHINA 215021 86 512 6761 9295 (phone) 86 512 6767 1207 (fax) (email) II-VI SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. BLK. 5012, TECHPLACE II #04-07 & 05-07/12, ANG MO KIO AVE. 5...


II-VI INFRAREDのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット


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